I have been flying in commercial airliners alone since I was 5, to and from granny's every summer ^_^
Did a milk run from Brisbane that worked out to 50 hours of actual travel time with no sleep. Travel agent got an earful over that one...
I love takeoff but landings are the best part.
I am usually just behind the wing and as a random sound occurs on landing (or preparation for landing) you make an innocent comment "oh good, that loose piece of airplane that was flapping around is gone now. It was getting pretty annoying"
or comment on the forces involved with the landing gear and the likely result of a blowout at these speeds.
You can get pretty creative ^_^
Private planes are boring unless:
A. You can fly
B. close enough to the ground you can enjoy the scenery
C. it is a very short flight
A buddy of mine has a 4 seater heli, he has taken me around to explore the trapline and that is a lot of fun.
I have also had to deal with helicopters on a yearly basis, I have done a few remote cabins and the only access is by whirlybird.
~ 16 trips by helicopter, usually under an hour/flight
*Those are more fun, you start playing out scenarios like what would the pilots' reaction be if you slammed the collective down without warning :crackup:
Now they make me ride in the back

Some people have no sense of ha ha