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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

How many times have you been on airplanes?

Not a chance in hell I'd take a laser on a flight and chance one of those absolutely incompetent, embarrassment to the nation idiots from the TSA deciding that you can't take it on the plane and your expensive laser has now been confiscated erm make that "voluntarily surrendered" since the TSA has stated they never confiscate anything.

Never confiscated anything my ass!!!! .......................no seriously guys. My ass! Frackin TSA :mad:

They say they've never "confiscated" anything because you have the option to either keep your item and not fly (or pay an obscene fee to mail it home) or what 99.99999999% of people do and "voluntairly surrender" the item and catch their flight. I'm soooo looking forward to getting groped at ORD in two week. :rolleyes::(
TSA security is a joke. Just don't have anything sharp on you, in carry on, and you'll be fine. If you must have something that you're worried about taking through security, check it instead, or mail to yourself at your destination. Note - double check your carry on for ANYTHING suspicious. If they find something like a pocket knife on you, you could be arrested.

They are also extra paranoid about liquids, have a bottle of water before you go through security.

Aside from that you could probably carry through anything you want without exception. (TSA checkpoints fail the majority of independent tests - those not done by fellow employees at the airport.)

Number of terrorists stopped by TSA to date: 0
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I think 11 or 12 flights total. Last time was a few years ago. I don't really like to fly and won't unless there is no other option.

4 times soon 6 ^^ (and gonna become way more)

I kinda have to ^^'' My girl lives over 10,000miles away :P that's a bit to far to go to on my bike haha
She looks like she takes her job very seriously. I be she poured you a damn good cup of sprite.
Ahhhh. I fly probably 20 times a year. Every few weeks.

I'm an insomniac 99% of the time, but get on a plane and i nod off. Strange.

Not a chance in hell I'd take a laser on a flight and chance one of those absolutely incompetent, embarrassment to the nation idiots from the TSA deciding that you can't take it on the plane and your expensive laser has now been confiscated erm make that "voluntarily surrendered" since the TSA has stated they never confiscate anything.
Last month a TSA agent opened my carried on and asked about my laser(I always store the batteries separately incase some idiot tries to turn it on). He asked what it was and I responded "its a laser that I measure distance with at work" he said ok and handed it back to me. No problems but I wouldn't put it past TSA to confiscate it sometime.
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100+ Does anyone know what the rules are for bringing 50mw+ lasers on planes?
100+ Does anyone know what the rules are for bringing 50mw+ lasers on planes?

store batteries seperate, and just dont be a moron about it. Dont be like that guy that was burning holes in seats, then tried to hide it by throwing it away.
Few dozen, big airliners to small sea-planes it's been a good variety lol.
