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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • Got a package today-- no return addy or name-- for the life of me I cannot figure who sent me their JETLASERS Pl-E 445?? Dark green host-- whoever it is they are in Spokane-- no note inside- it shows a little underspec so that may be the reason for its return--do you know anyone from there>? THX for any help-- len
    Howdy dude hows it hanging long time no type-e I see your still with that pretty girl you must be doing something right, you two make a great looking couple.

    You guys have a fine Xmas :san:

    Not actually focussable
    Bad divergence
    Funny beam profile
    The anodisation chips easily

    Unfocussable (the dot is expandable)
    It's purple - women love it.

    Yeah... I would reccomend it, I like it a lot.
    In the pic there are three lasers, but the green in quite covered up ;p
    There's many more pictures of us on Jai's
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