Murudai said:
Well, I can't speak for Dark_Horses part of the deal, but if I could sell those 3 in bulk with immediate payment that would suit me a lot for some other deals I'm doing at the moment.
I'm willing to give even up to a $50 USD saving, maybe. So buy 2, get 1 free almost

So that's from $237 USD to $187 USD for 3. I'm not sure how much Dark_Horse would be willing to chop off his price, but lets hypothetically say $20, so 3 might go for $167 shipped.
Note that that is hypothetical, and probably a best case scenario for the buyer. Like I said I can't speak for Dark_Horse and how much he would be willing to drop his part of the deal for a bulk order.
Im back, (and bruised everywhere, it was great! ;D)
As some of you already know, I do usually give a discount for buying in qauntities, unfortunatly I cannot give a discount on these, they were a labor of love that were very labor intensive, I will be looking to design something that will be less expensive to build in the future, but for now I am afraid the price stands for the Sonar heat-sinks.
And you bought 10 new Sonar II cases? Why can't you use the older shorter ones? Also, according to Dark_Horse there is a slight difference between Sonar I and Sonar II cases. So there may be a slight difference between Sonar II and the new longer Sonar II cases as well. If you want heatsinks for them I suggest you talk to Dark_Horse about it, you may need to send up one of your cases to get it fitted.
The differences is really more that they corrected a slight design-flaw in the Sonar 1s, the threads were the same size as the whole bore of the inside. This meant that anything you pressed into the tube, would also be pressing through and possibly damaging the threads. In the Sonar 2s, the made the threads a little larger and only provided a short section that they "bored", the rest of the tube is actually smaller, which is why my RCR123's are a little snug, in the Sonar-2 barrel. Non of this affects the laser really, just how manufacturable it is. They made this change to make it easier to produce the part and eliminate hand-fitting, which is almost required with the Sonar 1's.
All of that being said, Murudai is correct, I would need you to send me a barrel to make sure everything would work correctly.
I have an idea which may eliminate the need for such high-tolerances and press-fits, but I will need to develop it. I will not be selling any Sonar heat-sinks for at least a couple of weeks, I need a rest. Also, I am not interested in competing with Murudais efforts to sell his barrels quickly, if you want a working Sonar laser, this is the only place to get the proper materials for now.
**To everyone who has a kit coming, I have matched each heat-sink to your barrel to insure optimal-fit, I have also included in the envelope that contains you "button", a small round piece of adhesive. I punched these out of some pieces of my daughters "press-on-nails" kit, I think it should work good, but I have not tried it myself yet.
Rckstar, your kit has been sent this morning.
Thanks everybody,