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CNI GB #8 Order going in 3/21!

Yes if a item is insured for full value, it will cost more as that value increases, but if <$200 it's pretty cheap, and USPS is always under about $12.00 IIRC.

More news:

CNI stated, (in an email late last night), that they finished testing on all GB7 & GB 8 lasers. So, they will ship both right away. I hope to get them all moving to buyers late this week. So sorry again that #7 went so long. I'll be starting a #9 soon as I already have ~3 lasers ordered for it. My hope is #9 will get to USA buyers by about April 21
Thanks Friends! -Glenn
CNI stated, (in an email late last night), that they finished testing on all GB7 & GB 8 lasers. So, they will ship both right away. I hope to get them all moving to buyers late this week. So sorry again that #7 went so long. I'll be starting a #9 soon as I already have ~3 lasers ordered for it. My hope is #9 will get to USA buyers by about April 21
Thanks Friends! -Glenn

Wow, that was fast, thanks Glenn!

I'll be starting a #9 soon as I already have ~3 lasers ordered for it. My hope is #9 will get to USA buyers by about April 21...
I want in!!!
I just don't know what to buy yet... it's like a kid in a candy shop... :D Except for maybe those extra 000s that pop up on the cash register... :eek:

"So, let's see what we got here, young man... 1x red & 2x black liqourice wheels, 1x package of whoppers, 100mW 589 PGL-III-C & 2x jaw breakers..."
"That'll be $1503.52 please."
"I broke open my XXL piggy-bank today... here you are M'am"

My adapter for my DL beam expander is here, so I can mount it to the new laser... my 18650's are coming tomorrow... just need a laser.

Counting down the days! Cheers! :beer:

haha Traveller, loving the link-laden post :crackup:

oh and Glenn, when you said
My hope is #9 will get to USA buyers by about April 21...
, did you perhaps mean #8? If so, then there is still perhaps time left in this one... any word on the 589nm pens in 2 and 5mW (if we get 10 people)? The prices on the 1mW got me REALLY excited as to what we can do for the other <5mW versions.

peace & thanks
oh and Glenn, when you said , did you perhaps mean #8? If so, then there is still perhaps time left in this one...

CNI has already finished testing 7 & 8 and have likely shipped them, based on what I read in his post...

Glenn had to go out of town for an emergency. He thought he would have internet access via his phone. He was wrong. He called me yesterday. It will be a few days before he gets back.

If he is delayed any significant time, I'm sure he will call me again.

Glenn had to go out of town for an emergency. He thought he would have internet access via his phone. He was wrong. He called me yesterday. It will be a few days before he gets back.

If he is delayed any significant time, I'm sure he will call me again.


thanks for the update dave.
Thanks, Dave.

I just got the same sort of message from him this weekend in re my GB#9 purchase -- seemed like things were very urgent for him, let's hope everything's allright.
Any word about Glenn?

I'm sure we all hope it's not a bad emergency...

peace &thanks
Any word about Glenn?

I'm sure we all hope it's not a bad emergency...

peace &thanks

Not yet. It was a death in his family. I think it was a brother. Remember. Glenn is older too. If you are lucky enough to live a long time, you will have to deal with this stuff too.

The death was actually a few weeks ago. They are dealing with property now. However, it is in another state and not where Glenn can get internet access via his phone.

Thanks for the update, Dave. My best wishes go out to Glenn and his family.

Once we get word from Glenn and everything has been sorted out I might have to participate in this GB. It's been too long since I last harnessed the power of a laser lol.
You'll probably have to wait till GB 10, but that shouldnt be to long after he gets back
Not yet. It was a death in his family. I think it was a brother. Remember. Glenn is older too. If you are lucky enough to live a long time, you will have to deal with this stuff too.

The death was actually a few weeks ago. They are dealing with property now. However, it is in another state and not where Glenn can get internet access via his phone.


Yes it was his brother. :cryyy: I belive he had problems that played a role in his early death. BEST WISHES GLENN!
