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CNI 556 handheld feeler

I doubt that will happen, or if it does, not in that power. I read a while back about the problem with creating yellow-orange spectrum diodes was, and it has to do with the material. EDIT: Nvm, its just due to efficiency. heres one link to an article. Everything ive read seems to indicate that 610nm is about the lowest you can go before getting wildly inefficient and short lived diodes. Theres some company that makes ~620nm c-mount diodes, but they need super low temps to run..
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^Im not too familiar with all these "rare" diodes but...if it I can provide some words of hope.

A few years ago many people thought many wavelengths would never exist. Look at what we have today :)

1W 520nm

Im sure some orange diodes will pop up sooner than later :)
someone posted an article about an all laser projector with 6 primary colors. the three main primary colors are red, green and blue. The normal 4th primary color is yellow usually like in the rgby TVs. have no idea what the 5th and 6th ones could be, or if they will even use yellow. But that will be a cool thing when it comes out.
the yellow in RGBY tv's didnt do jack sh@#. in displays it wont do anything. Now, in laser projectors and DLP projectors, it just might make a difference, but who knows.
the yellow in RGBY tv's didnt do jack sh@#. in displays it wont do anything. Now, in laser projectors and DLP projectors, it just might make a difference, but who knows.

Id did not do any thing because everything on the tv was recorded in three color space and transmitted in 3 color space. the yellow was added with an algorithm or something. hopefully by the time this projection tech comes out we will have more advanced recording devices.
Got a quote and answer back from CNI- 604nM 20mW handheld will be $775 so I went ahead and ordered a couple tonight.

The 593nm 20mW handheld is $700 for one, $680 4-9, and $660 10+.

They will not sell the 556/561 bare module at this time. Not sure why but I would guess that they may have built a few completed handhelds in the past and want to liquidate their stock before building bare modules. Although I would bet they would for a quantity of 10+

They have not responded to my request for the 100mW 473 bare module yet. I mentioned that I "knew" they had provided them for Lasever in the past and that CNI apparently could make them because of this. Of course I don't know this to be a fact but thought I could possibly get some confirmation from them that they did in fact make the ones Lasever sold.

And now for everyone who called BS on the 604 order I placed, you are correct. Total BS. Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up, you should know better if I did.

Again, Ava's response was simple "the 604 and 607 are not available in a hand held unit".

Has anyone here ever sucessfully negotiated CNI's prices down below their initial quotes like this? I am wondering how hard they could be pressed to come off those prices. It would be very nice to know what type of profit margin they have on these things.
If you're really froggy, ask CNI for a price quote on their 473, 532, 589/593 BGY projectors :)
I don't know where the $750 quote for 604 came from. I'm confused - was that just a joke on your part? An error on CNI's part?

607 in a portable costs over three grand. I pushed them on it. That price is just too high though. Maybe others can afford it. I can't.
I don't know where the $750 quote for 604 came from. I'm confused - was that just a joke on your part? An error on CNI's part?

607 in a portable costs over three grand. I pushed them on it. That price is just too high though. Maybe others can afford it. I can't.

I assume he was referencing 556?

He goes on to say that Ava was still saying they can't do portable 604/607.

I posted the quote they gave me. $3000 for 5mW, $3500 for 20mW. Same for both 604/607.
It might be worth seeing if CNI could get below $750 on the 604/607s if we put together 10x orders.

Group buys don't tend to have such substantial savings on other wavelengths, but the cost of really new / untested / exotic wavelengths might scale on their end differently. There may be, for example, a large upfront expense on their end that they have to incur once only.

It would still be difficult to actually get 10x orders like that together, but I think we could probably pull it off we ever got to the stage where pricing like that was possible.
Yes, a joke. More of an attention getter really. Even if I didn't clarify later in my post most everyone following this thread would know it was total BS. Too good to be true.....

For some reason I thought CNI's sales reps would have a better command of the English language than most of the other Asian companies I have communicated with In the past. Apparently I was wrong. I'm really not sure why I had that expectation. Maybe because they are one of the top laser manufacturers? Who knows, the point is I was wrong in that assumption. At first I thought I was doing pretty well but now I am still at a standstill with them. I asked about the 473nm bare module and the first response I got from them was they could provide it in the OEM-F version. Again, I clarified I wanted the OEM-H "bare round brass colored module" for use in a custom handheld. Their response was "please consider the 473 requires good heat sinking and the OEM-F is recommended." So I went at them again and reiterated I needed the OEM-H and I was not concerned with long run times and heat sinking, that it was intended for handheld use and to be built into a custom flashlight like device. CNI's response, "Please consider the OEM-F for your application, this laser requires improved heat sinking which is provided in the F package." So I spelled it out once more and told them I have seen the 473 built into the H package, I cannot use the F package, I want the H package, please do not tell me anything else about the F package as it is not going to fit inside a handheld flashlight sized device, can you please give me a quote on an OEM-H 473nm package? It's been three days and I haven't heard back from them. Probably the weekend causing the delay. If the say anything about the F package again I will probably lose my mind. I was thinking of using one of the various English to Chinese translation Apps on the web and try to send them a message that way. God only knows what might get communicated using that.

It's not looking very good for getting a really tempting price that would drive a GB forward. I'm thinking of just offering them a price that would get some interest from a GB and see what happens. Worse they could do is say no. I may even remain persistent with my offer to see if I can wear them out, kinda like the parable in the bible where the guy keeps knocking on the door until the master of the house gets up.
^ you're not running into a language barrier, you're running into a cultural one.

They understood what you're asking for.
You just don't understand what they're telling you ;)

They're really saying "we won't sell you the OEM-H version, we will only sell you the OEM-F version, and we're trying to be polite about it"

It may be frustrating to you that they're not more directly communicating that message, but that's the message just the same. You don't gain any ground by repeatedly pushing the point, IMO. In fact, losing your cool with them only makes them more hesitant to deal with us / small individual purchasers in the future.

It's just a different way of communicating in Asia. They tend to be much less direct about saying "no" in some Asian cultures. You get used to it after a while of dealing with Asian suppliers (or for that matter, living in Vancouver).
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I am far from loosing my cool with them. Being direct, to the point, and descriptive is what I have done. We will see soon if you are correct. I still think it's a language barrier, this isn't my first time dealing with Asian manufacturers like this. My experience is it often takes saying the same thing in different ways before it connects. Usually two times, rarely three. I'm going on four now.
I was able to get Ava to agree to sell me a 589nm module by showing her pictures of the handheld I had built using a Lasever 473nm module. She said "since you are professional, we sell you module only". Wish I had actually managed to buy it. Would have made a great handheld.
