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Ban Darkarmyofone... Again...

Should Darkarmyofone be banned?

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I only "work" about 10 hours a week and even I can't keep up with all of it. Read the stickies and FAQ. Then specialize in one type (or color) of lasers at first.

The learning curve can be pretty steep in the begining.


It's been a litte over a year since i've joined. I'm still stuck in the Red and blu-ray section. I've never seen a gas laser!
It's been a litte over a year since i've joined. I'm still stuck in the Red and blu-ray section. I've never seen a gas laser!

Lucky for you Matt, I still haven't made it passed the Buy, Sell, and Trade Section in my 8 months here lol. (But I have a non functioning {never got PSU/ adaptor} HeNe)


/end threadjack
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It's been a litte over a year since i've joined. I'm still stuck in the Red and blu-ray section. I've never seen a gas laser!

Talk about it! Me neither! I still need to learn how they work (more than just the basics).

There's so much to read... and now that the Diode Compilation Thread is a go, I'll have to slash my Review Thread time by half!

Too bad everybody is so focused on the drama that not many of you have noticed the good things happening in other sections.
Never seen a gas laser?... that's just wrong. You at least need a HeNe.

I read somewhere that Darkarmyofone can build HeNe lasers for you...:whistle:

besides TCB.... everything is good on the Forum...;)

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Talk about it! Me neither! I still need to learn how they work (more than just the basics).

There's so much to read... and now that the Diode Compilation Thread is a go, I'll have to slash my Review Thread time by half!

Too bad everybody is so focused on the drama that not many of you have noticed the good things happening in other sections.


Too bad everybody is so focused on the drama that not many of you have noticed the good things happening in other sections.

Oh I haven't been entirely focused on this certain matter. I posted about my 8x build on Jayrobs thread for the sidebutton host.

Haha he was surprised that it was my first build.

Thanks for putting it in a module for me Dave. It works great. But I do wish I had it set to more than 300ma. And ouch, it stings without being focused! Amazing :)
After further reading, and seeing lots of attitudes change, I have to say that I'm more than considering changing my vote to yes for the amount drama and distraction he has been the apparent cause of. I want focus on lasers! Not about this! Why have I let one members' being take up so much time in my evening? I'm feeling silly right about now...
Too bad everybody is so focused on the drama that not many of you have noticed the good things happening in other sections.
Don't worry Niko, it's just because we are a bunch of old gossiping women ;)

I have not posted that much in all the current great threads since I can't really contribute anything but I have indeed read and enjoyed them!

Hey all,

I'm pretty new to the forum and to lasers themselves, having only discovered their awesomeness a few months ago. Ever since discovering this site a few months ago I have been an avid reader, trying to learn as much as possible.

I was astounded by the sense of community here though, first and foremost. I've been a member to several forums over the years but never have I encountered one so helpful and nice as this one. Which is why I was shocked to uncover such a "flamewar" (and I use that term loosely) going on with Tyler.

At first I did my research and was undecided in the matter. I will admit though at first he spun a good story and I sided with him. But then became neutral as I read more and more about him.

As Dave has mentioned before people do not like confrontation, and I am certainly one of those people. So I stayed on the sidelines and watched things unfold over the past few days feeling I had no reason to get involved.

Until today. I stumbled upon this thread and decided to see what the fuss was all about. Being a man that is slow to judge anyone without proper facts and evidence I took time reading all of the different links. (Some which I had read already a few days prior).

I must say that thread in which Dave tested and found out the truth about those red diodes is what swayed me. I know now for a fact what Tyler truly is and its very sad.

After coming to that conclusion I decided to put my vote in and throw my opinion out there. I truly value this forum and its great sense of community and people like Tyler tear that apart.

Sorry for the long rant but I just needed to get that out there. I hope to become a valued and respected member of these great forums.

Do not apologise for long, well thought out and explained answers! That was a great post!
I'm sure you will indeed become a member of great value with your attitude :)

Do not apologise for long, well thought out and explained answers! That was a great post!
I'm sure you will indeed become a member of great value with your attitude :)


Haha thanks I appreciate it. :san:

your input is valued here, just as much as anyone elses!

Welcome to the Forum!

Oh I haven't been entirely focused on this certain matter. I posted about my 8x build on Jayrobs thread for the sidebutton host.
Haha he was surprised that it was my first build.
Thanks for putting it in a module for me Dave. It works great. But I do wish I had it set to more than 300ma. And ouch, it stings without being focused! Amazing :)

SWEET! I was glad to help. Until we get the results of IgorT's tests, we really shouldn't be pushing them much farther than this any way.

Besids -- how fast do you need to burn a hole in the wall? ;) :eg:

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