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Ban Darkarmyofone... Again...

Should Darkarmyofone be banned?

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That sucks for both us and c0ld.. However, I would like to point out that Dark could be banned and still have a banner here..

i agree.. but i dont know if avery has considered that route..

lol i just checked tylers rep... it went from 16 to 9...

That sucks for both us and c0ld.. However, I would like to point out that Dark could be banned and still have a banner here..
That kind of defeats the purpose of stopping him from selling through
the Forum or be associated with it...

The thing that bothers me is that why, seriously why would people vote then cry because they know they voted wrong , then claim to have neutral votes ? It's either yes or no. If you chose the wrong option by accident write a pm to c0ld asking him to change it. But don't come in here claiming that you've seen the truth and now you you can make an educated choice.. Please!

Alot of. 4-15 post users have darkarmyofones back. But they don't know better. We ate all guilty of some form of ignorance.

If that was for me:

1.-I'm not crying.
2.-My single vote doesn't change the result, no need to ask c0ld to do nothing.
3.-I didn't choose NO for accident. It was my opinion at first. People change their minds eventually.

But don't come in here claiming that you've seen the truth and now you you can make an educated choice.. Please!

Why can't I? It was just the way things happened and I'm not the only one in the same situation.
That kind of defeats the purpose of stopping him from selling through
the Forum or be associated with it...


That's true, but it beats having Dark here in person, IMO anyway. I'd hate to see him remain here due to "contractual obligations"..
Crazy Jay spent several long hours this weekend pulling multiple threads togther so people could see the evidence in an easier to find form. Then you come in and tell him you made your decision based NOT on the evidence, but rather on how you feel about the way we are talking to/about Tyler. I'm sure his frustration just got the better of him.

Tyler needs to go away simply to stop this crap from happening around him. It does not follow others around. He brings it on himself. Add that to the fact that he is a thief and a liar and you have a strong basis for banning. Others have been banned for much less (ask Arenared). Whether we like it or not, banning is the principle tool for keeping peace on the forum.

We have no other way to control the actions of negative people here.

Unplesant yes, but necessary

It is situational ethics at its finest


Just because someone is pissed off does not make it alright shouting out and being angry at anyone who just doesnt agree with him. He also tried to give me negatie reputatiob because I dont agree with him and thats not really a good use of that system.

It posts like his that ruined this thread and caused me to vote the way I did. I dont care how many hours he has put into it, he should still be able to talk instead of shouting.

Take care. Not that interrested at putting down hours of my free time defending something that should be quite simple to understand where you in an off-line environment...
Just because someone is pissed off does not make it alright shouting out and being angry at anyone who just doesnt agree with him. He also tried to give me negatie reputatiob because I dont agree with him and thats not really a good use of that system.

It posts like his that ruined this thread and caused me to vote the way I did. I dont care how many hours he has put into it, he should still be able to talk instead of shouting.

Take care. Not that interrested at putting down hours of my free time defending something that should be quite simple to understand where you in an off-line environment...

No no no. I got mad because you cannot understand even the simplest of words. I have no idea where you get your ideas from. Its not from anything I have said. I left you rep that contained advice not because I disagree with your uneducated vote
.... negatie? reputatiob? Really??
Just because someone is pissed off does not make it alright shouting out and being angry at anyone who just doesnt agree with him. He also tried to give me negatie reputatiob because I dont agree with him and thats not really a good use of that system.

It posts like his that ruined this thread and caused me to vote the way I did. I dont care how many hours he has put into it, he should still be able to talk instead of shouting.

Take care. Not that interrested at putting down hours of my free time defending something that should be quite simple to understand where you in an off-line environment...

So you voted to ban Crazy-Jay..... I see...:undecided:
Have you even read the Title of this Thread and who this Poll
is about..
I see you haven't even read the evidence... since you voted against CJ..
You should have perhaps not voted at all since you don't see to have a
clue of the issues...:cool:

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So you voted to ban Crazy-Jay..... I see...:undecided:
Have you even read the Title of this Thread and who this Poll
is about..
I see you haven't even read the evidence... since you voted against CJ..
You should have perhaps not voted at all since you don't see to have a
clue of the issues...:cool:


I thought he started a ban poll on me so I looked all over.
This poll isn't for me its for Tyler... this guy has no idea whats going on here.:can:
tyler and c0ld have a contract for advertising now. not only would he have to find another way to make up for the funds hes losing but he would probably have to talk to his lawyer to find out what to do about the contract...

Does he actually have a "contract"? Does that contract say anything about the right to post and/or sell through the forum or just an assurance to place the banner where described? Is the contrct null if tyler fails to perform? How long is the contract good for?

These are not questions I expect you to know the answer to. They are just some possible considerations.

the thought of a contract never entered my mind. Did he pay X amount to have the banner posted for X months? Or does he just pay Y amount every month? If it's the second case, I don't see a problem.
It couldn't be much worse than having wicked lasers post a banner on the site.

Many people have accused wicked for the same things that Dark has done, and yet we are still able to communicate to each other, that buying from Wicked is a bad investment.

no-one said that Tyler couldn't sell his stuff off the Forum like
I or another company does...

We just don't want his company or him to be associated with the Forum
for all the Posted/Quoted reasons above...

I was selling on the Web for years before coming to LPF...

Personally even if he does have a contract (which I doubt there really is a signed contract in black and white writing) Tyler breached his end with this shabby products.
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