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Bad Dealings with Laser83

My high school budget will not permit me to lose this money :(

How does that work?

You got what you had coming. You got all huffy when you just barely lost the auction and then you ended up with garbage. I hope it gets resolved, I don't want to see anyone get screwed over, but having to deal with this is your own doing. I guess there isn't really a good reason for this post but you didn't apologize on your own and lucky for you the other guy was classy enough to say you didn't have too.
Over and out.

How does that work?

You got what you had coming. You got all huffy when you just barely lost the auction and then you ended up with garbage. I hope it gets resolved, I don't want to see anyone get screwed over, but having to deal with this is your own doing. I guess there isn't really a good reason for this post but you didn't apologize on your own and lucky for you the other guy was classy enough to say you didn't have too.
Over and out.

He wasn't getting huffy over losing the auction, he was getting huffy over the fact that he thought the guy couldn't bid because of his post count-- due to a misunderstanding of the rules. That's how I misunderstood it too. No need to be so hostile towards him...
I always am weary of people cleaning out their whole collection. This means they have no problem ruining their name here, because they obviously are done with the hobby. This type of thing always scares me. Despite what the stuff is worth, his misleading behavior, IMO, deserves nothing but an visit to his house.
Not to sound all "tough guy" but seriously, how have you not knocked on this guys door yet. So sorry this happened. Many if us get too comfortable buying, selling trading, and have to get reminded when crap like this happens. It's happened to me too :(
Somewhere, there is a member called Vivaldi, sitting there with a big smile on his face.

Iv'e just read the other thread and it left me with a nasty taste in my mouth.
Somewhere, there is a member called Vivaldi, sitting there with a big smile on his face.

Iv'e just read the other thread and it left me with a nasty taste in my mouth.

The same for me. Must be real Karma.

He wasn't getting huffy over losing the auction, he was getting huffy over the fact that he thought the guy couldn't bid because of his post count-- due to a misunderstanding of the rules. That's how I misunderstood it too. No need to be so hostile towards him...

Of course he was. It doesn´t matter how it will be called but this was a good reason for him to get the other guy out of the auction to not to loose it.

However I hope he will get refunded or find an other agreement with the seller so at the end everyone will be happy and get his lesson lerned.
How does that work?

You got what you had coming. You got all huffy when you just barely lost the auction and then you ended up with garbage.

I hope you don't always talk like that to people or you wouldn't be very well liked

That hurts.
So much hate.

And yes i have learned my lesson

And maybe it is Karma, but at the time i really did not believe he had fulfilled the requirements to post in the B/S/T section, so i let him know.

Then he started necroing on old post with useless compliments. Then he came back with 30 posts "I'm ready to go!"

That pissed me off....

Sorry for any misunderstandings. If you feel i am worthy of neg rep, i understand..... :(


Edit: this is kinda thread about me paying someone for something, and not getting what I paid for...
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I think you get it a bit wrong. There is no hate. At least not from my site. I also don´t think you deserve neg rep. It´s just like that. You used the fact he is a noob to get an advantage in this auction and may it be called God, higher force or Karma, you got the bill for this and some critizm too. Most important is, you lerned something.

So next time let it be simply a fair competition and let the seller decide whom he will trust more. A noob or a reputable member.

Therefore I also wish you and the seller will find a good solution for you both where everyone will be happy.

And maybe it is Karma, but at the time i really did not believe he had fulfilled the requirements to post in the B/S/T section, so i let him know.


karma is a bitch. i think you know damn well that anyone can buy a laser in bst. you don't need 20 just to buy.
I think you get it a bit wrong. There is no hate. At least not from my site. I also don´t think you deserve neg rep. It´s just like that. You used the fact he is a noob to get an advantage in this auction and may it be called God, higher force or Karma, you got the bill for this and some critizm too. Most important is, you lerned something.

So next time let it be simply a fair competition and let the seller decide whom he will trust more. A noob or a reputable member.

Therefore I also wish you and the seller will find a good solution for you both where everyone will be happy.

I did let the seller decide. He said Vivaldi was an idiot.

And please don't say i used that he was a noob to get him out of the auction. I was teamed up with someone on the auction and my mate told me "this guy is not allowed to bid" so I skimmed over the forum rules which led me to believe that this guy actually was not allowed to bid.

I now realize my mistake, but please stop saying I took advantage of the other bidder. This was not the case.

Guys, we can discuss this on the auction page. This is a thread I made to discuss a scam, not my wrongdoings.

How is that going anyways. I'd also like to add, IMO going to his address isn't a good idea atm.

Well I have lost $50 for sure....

I hope I don't lose the other $167

It is in paypals hands....

karma is a bitch. i think you know damn well that anyone can buy a laser in bst. you don't need 20 just to buy.

I am not lying to you.

I really thought he was not eligible to purchase/post. I didn't know "damn well" that he was eligible

What is the need to be so harsh?
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Well I have lost $50 for sure....

I hope I don't lose the other $167

It is in paypals hands....

Lost $50?

You said yourself the value of the two working lasers is $150, plus you got a whole bunch of other parts that you could get around $20 for.

If you win the dispute you gain $120, not lose $50.
I don't want to be involved in this but I agree with alex, financially speaking. If you have something in hand worth more than what the cost was then you gain. If you are forced to return all item and don't gwt full payment back, that's whwn a loss is occurred........truat me I'm an accountant. I spent my qhole college time working gain and losses on PPE, materials, etc..... (PPE is property plant and equipment)
EDIT: It looks like i lost all of my money.

Thanks for all the support! Good thing all you didn't criticize me instead of helping me solve my problem *sarcasm
Sorry, but this angers me. A fellow member gets scammed and all you guys do is tell me how bad of a person i am :(

Sure, i made a mistake (maybe mistakeS) BUT I DIDN'T SCAM ANYONE DID I?

Thank you to those who actually tried to help me :) I now realize this was a learning experience

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PayPal does NOT support refunds for "item not as described" outside of eBay

I learned that on a >$400 buy from a now banned member :(

I'm sorry this worked out this way

FYI: ALL edits are recorded in the forum

I've met Jared more than once
He has been in my home
I would have never expected this kind of behavior from him

There is little the forum can do about your money
However, if Jared doesn't make this at least equitable, we can keep him from doing anything else in the forum

Just let me know via PM

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