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A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser

In post #87 you state "2. When a laser is "too pricey", I consider it a scam. Would you pay $100 for a high quality 5mW? I know that that's an exaggeration, but not too far off. The techlasers 95mW is $230. The Novalasers X100 (which should be very overspec anyway) is the same price. Plus, novalasers sells much better quality products."
Really? I think it's a bit of a matter for the individual buyer to decide really.
So, For example Is OEM Laser Systems "Scamming" when they offer a "variable power 593.5 nm 20 mW peak output Portable for ~$1900 (before shipping), although the GB I do will get you that same laser for many $100's less?

Also, some updating of your posts in several areas I believe is warranted
e.g. : Is WL really scamming?, even though they send replacements and products in general faster than LG or Optotronics, just because the offer a fancy 5mW Spyder III for ~$100? Or other higher end lasers that , if you look are about the same general costs as LG, Opto, and OEM Systems? I think it would serve the people better for you to update the BAD list, as some companies are doing much better and some are new and terrible, and I think price alone is not a clear indication of being a "Scam" btw, I have wanted to buy WL's Spyder III 5mW just for the host at ~$100!

I have had as much trouble with CNI as several folks have said they have had with WL, and yet, I still try to work with their poor communication, poor cooperation, quality slip-ups and in general slow service. They and in my experience WL, should not be labeled "Skammers"

Also, all DPSS lasers have inherent characteristics such as variability with temperature and other conditions, and those folks judging the lasers are often times quite ignorant of all the in's and out's of lasers, but really I think it serves us all better to try to see things from a more enlightened perspective. I do not claim to be a car performance expert, just because I drive and have about a million miles of driving experience, and I don't like it when today's American cars are judged on what American cars were like in the 70's. All laser companies are trying to make $ and if they sell the cheapest, then quality and customer service will doubtless be compromised to some degree, the flip side is do we always get great quality and great service when we pay for the "high end lasers"? I believe we usually do, and personally would rate these companies tops for high quality and service excellence, in this order: Optotronics, Nova Lasers, Laserglow, Wicked Lasers, Viasho, OEM Laser Systems, CNI, Axixz, O-Like, and LED Shoppe. I have bought from all, and I have used customer service from all as well, much of my rating is based on the quality, but I hold service as a highly important component as well.
DX is a good supplier of batteries, chargers and some lasers, as long as waiting is not too big an issue or their inability to deliver what you want where you want it. I have little experience with Rayfoss, Focalprice or several others, so I cannot comment from personal experience, sorry.
Further some Edmund Scientific laser prices are far higher than Wicked lasers, yet I never see them labeled as scammers??? Thanks! -Glenn
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Scopeguy- I see your point, but what I meant was, "too pricey for a laser of that quality", or, "not worth the price". I understand what you are saying about WL, but I have seen enough about their consistently underpowered units, poor quality + overpricing to know that they are not a company to be completely trusted. They may be changing, but I have not seen enough of it to change my opinion.

I don't consider myself to be a laser expert, just because I have spent a lot of time on the site. All I did was put all of my knowledge of green lasers into one thread, as a general guide, even though I try to make it as accurate as I can. When I hear something new, I find more resources, and if it proves to be true, I update the guide. I also put the Q&A in the beginning up to help people decide what kind of laser to get. That way they wouldn't see a "good" company, and immediately go to purchase it. So they wouldn't be "completely ignorant of the ins and outs".

I also agree that good customer service is important, so I try to point out those companies. Most of the time, I tell how good the customer service is, regardless of the laser quality. I hope that cleared up some of your questions. And about Edmund, I didn't even know they sold lasers. I'll look into it.

SkyLasers is the cheapest of the expensive companies (if that makes sense). I've heard mixed reviews from them, but they do have the best prices (with garunteed output), plus a six month warrenty.

Seems that Opto is beating them on the green lasers for price.
Thanks for pointing that out. I actually meant cheap quality-wise, not price, but I changed it.
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How does apinex.com rate in terms of quality and trustworthiness? Are the usually on target with specs? or over? or under?

Wicked lasers? I had heard good things about it, I even bought one and its been working fine, but I have no way to measure the power of the laser.

So if wl is on the list because of their high prices you should specify, what is there's a promotion available and you can buy a laser much cheaper, you would get a quality laser for the right price
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Wicked lasers? I had heard good things about it, I even bought one and its been working fine, but I have no way to measure the power of the laser.

So if wl is on the list because of their high prices you should specify, what is there's a promotion available and you can buy a laser much cheaper, you would get a quality laser for the right price

Even with promotion their price still very high.
im not sure i got a photonic disruptor pro green laser 100mw, water proof for 200 dls it included security glasses
I think Wicked lasers has been trying to improve, but they still don't seem very trustworthy to me.
Im looking for a 100mw green laser now. From what I read from some folks here its probably not a good Idea to mount one on my pistol,due to Its power.But I am looking for the pointer type and have read the list above, I wont hold anyone to it but what is the best,you feel green 75-100mw for the money and from what company today, I am very interested in astronomy but I believe power matters to me at this point. Thank you for your great info, I hope I wasnt being redundant, God bless. Jims19.
Im looking for a 100mw green laser now. From what I read from some folks here its probably not a good Idea to mount one on my pistol,due to Its power.But I am looking for the pointer type and have read the list above, I wont hold anyone to it but what is the best,you feel green 75-100mw for the money and from what company today, I am very interested in astronomy but I believe power matters to me at this point. Thank you for your great info, I hope I wasnt being redundant, God bless. Jims19.
I would go with rayfoss they have very nice lasers and there prices are great!
bro... AMAZING guide! im a beginner lookin for a burning lazer (100-200 mw) for around 200 bucks. I was just about to buy from wicked lasers and warnlasers but then i read ur guide :) amazin job
Im looking for a 100mw green laser now. From what I read from some folks here its probably not a good Idea to mount one on my pistol,due to Its power.But I am looking for the pointer type and have read the list above, I wont hold anyone to it but what is the best,you feel green 75-100mw for the money and from what company today, I am very interested in astronomy but I believe power matters to me at this point.

If you want to gun mount a laser, don't use a pen type. But I think you could use a "portable laser" unit and be fine, as these are solidly built, and could take more shock. For these lasers I agree rayfoss is your best option.

bro... AMAZING guide! im a beginner lookin for a burning lazer (100-200 mw) for around 200 bucks. I was just about to buy from wicked lasers and warnlasers but then i read ur guide :) amazin job

