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A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser

Thanks to wretchedmerc and randomlugia,i think i will go with rayfoss,my pistol is a beast. Take care.

I have read thru the posts and wicked laser is a bad company, i am going to go with rayfoss or optotronics. I hope you havent ordered it yet .
Please add ShopHDE.com to the list of bad lasers.

They have a 50mW silver pen laser, when I got it, it was dimmer than my amazon 5mW from Pro Ebiz LLC.

It also showed a half circle ring around the dot, the beam is also extremely thin, barely visible in pitch black.

Also ordered a 5mW green laser on ebay from seller exportermqb, it was also extremely dim, not consistent, gets bright for half a sec then goes to extremely dim small dot

Why dont' these people test it first before sending...idiots

After reading through this forum, I ordered a 50mW from LEd shoppe....hopefully it will arrive within 1.5 weeks and be super bright.
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I won't add Ebay sellers to the list, mainly because of how long it will get, and I already know of a few. But I'll add ShopHDE. But many people do consider a thin beam a good thing, and I think if you could get rid of the half-circle (most likely the beam hitting the aperture) then you could have a good beam, even if it is only 5mW.
How is laser glow, dragon laser, and all those "good shops" good?:confused: Its like 100$ for a 5mW... I can get one for 7$ and it will be more powerful and it fits my use. Who would want to buy a 100$ laser for anything not professional
How is laser glow, dragon laser, and all those "good shops" good?:confused: Its like 100$ for a 5mW... I can get one for 7$ and it will be more powerful and it fits my use. Who would want to buy a 100$ laser for anything not professional

I think you are mistaken. In my opinion laserglow, dragonlasers, and all those "other good shops" are good because of there QUALITY. For example: would you rather get a 200mw greeny from DX or from opto? Obvious answer is opto. First of all the DX 200mw greeny is most of the time underspec ( correct me if im wrong ) but on the other hand opto is much better quality and most of the time it wont be underspec but over spec.

Hope thats been helpful
How is laser glow, dragon laser, and all those "good shops" good?:confused: Its like 100$ for a 5mW... I can get one for 7$ and it will be more powerful and it fits my use. Who would want to buy a 100$ laser for anything not professional

First: It's $60 for a 5mW, nowhere close to $100. There are many reasons, but most of all is quality. One is stated output, and stability. Those pens (Lyra) are so stable they usually won't go beyond a tenth of a milliwatt from the advertised power. Another is a trustable company that will stand behind their products, and replace them if broken. Then there's beam quality. Good companies will give you better divergence, a straight beam, no artifacts, and constant TEM00 operation. Also, I have gotten multiple lasers from Ebay and Amazon, and every single one of them broke within 6 months.
Another way to answer your question, Laserz4sale, would be to look at this example; You have the money to buy 2 green lasers, so you spend $100.00 on a laser from LASERGLOW (or one of those other "GOOD" companies) & $20.00 for the same mW. out-put laser from DX (or one of those "other" companies). NOW REMEMBER, THIS IS A PURELY HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION, OK ?
Well, a month goes by, & the DX laser burns out, or breaks down in some other way. Meanwhile, the LASERGLOW laser keeps working just fine. So you buy another $20.00 laser from DX, which lasts you another month till something happens to it, while the LASERGLOW laser keeps on merrily lasing along with no problems. (can ya see where this is goin' ?) So, 5 months & 5 DX lasers later, you have 5 dead DX lasers & 1 LASERGLOW laser that STILL works just fine. Now I know that I exaggerated things a bit (like how long the DX laser would last you) & I want to make it clear that I have no definite proof that all DX lasers (& lasers from those other companies) will break that quickly or, for that matter, that the LASERGLOW laser (& lasers from the "GOOD" companies) will always out-last the others. There will always be a handful of variables one has to account for, such as (usage time, laser care, ambient temps. etc.) The point I'm trying to make is that "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR". On one hand, you might get lucky & get a DX laser that lasts as long as a LASERGLOW UNIT. On the other hand, you can spend more money on a "well warrantied" LASERGLOW unit, & have it outlast 5 or 6 or more DX or "other brand" lasers. The choice is ultimately yours of course, but as for my money, I buy the most expensive unit I can afford hopefully increasing the odds that I'm going to get my moneys worth, & not have to buy the same laser over & over again untill I DO get a "GOOD ONE". This is just my $00.02 worth in a long drawn out form, hope ya'll don't mind this being such a long read. Sorry for being so wordy. rob
Well said. And believe me, you haven't exaggerated too much. The last Ebay laser I got broke in a little over a month.
First: It's $60 for a 5mW, nowhere close to $100. There are many reasons, but most of all is quality. One is stated output, and stability. Those pens (Lyra) are so stable they usually won't go beyond a tenth of a milliwatt from the advertised power. Another is a trustable company that will stand behind their products, and replace them if broken. Then there's beam quality. Good companies will give you better divergence, a straight beam, no artifacts, and constant TEM00 operation. Also, I have gotten multiple lasers from Ebay and Amazon, and every single one of them broke within 6 months.
Then never mind that was another site i think. I remember it was 100
hello randomlugia..... i made a similar thread.. because i did not remember this thread.... however i think that my thread could be put in evidence(first upper) in the companies section.

if you want... read it.. or put a link to it on your first page.... i would encrease my thread.. but i need other person that help me to discover or remember others stores of general lasers(not only greens).... i divided the list into 3 goups....with the exceptions of the 4 most quality sellers... :)
I didn't see this Company on either list (maybe I missed it), but you might want to add them. They make AWESOME lasers, especially the all matte black "STEALTH MODEL". Here's the site;
http://www.blueskymarketing.co.uk rob
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