jcranmer, I got your PM thanks!
Amazing gob!
I want to see the green light!
:thanks: Won't be too long!
I got the green emitter today and I already have another 9 Amp driver. So I can start the build, but I won't get the reflector for probably a couple of weeks from KD. So it won't be totally complete, but I can just swap heads with my red build to test it out!
I just now tested the green emitter with the 9 Amp driver and 2 X Li-Ions to see what the current at the LED was, and it is 8.9 Amps just like with the red.
I didn't test voltage to the LED though. But I can light up a red PT-54 with a 3 volt lithium primary and it's very bright. (2 Amps current draw)
But with the green (same battery), very dim. Can look right at it.
So that tells me the voltage is too low. (driver needed) So I would bet that it needs 4.9 volts just like the specs on the sales page says it does...
The information on the sales page shows 13.5 Amps, and 4.9 volts for both the green as well as the blue...
PT-54-G-C21-MPB Luminus Devices LED Arrays, Modules and Light Bars
And the red says 13.9 Amps and 2.6 volts...
That high efficiency 9 Amp buck driver I showed is expensive, but man what a nice driver it is...
And using a driver, your emitter will be regulated. So the output will stay the same. (as the batteries drain) Using 2 cells in series with this build, means more run time/capacity.
Another update: After finishing the green build... (both builds using the 9 Amp buck driver shown)
I did test voltage to the emitter of each build:
Green PT-54: 4.3
Red PT-54: 2.2