TO be Clear to anyone that thinks that the diode i tested was Sony they are not sony branded ones.

The diodes i got are not in the open market as in avalible in a click and buy store.
Also my diodes are NOT Pulls. They are brand New diodes awillis2589.
Picture of the diodes i have:
Further more anyone interested in those Sony's i have tested them Fully. It would be cool to get more info on them from more testers

but There is Nothing special about them. They are Nothing more then a 12x like diode. "Keyword is Like here" Ive tested both the 5.6mm and the 3.8mm VF and VFR way back when they first came out. I never said anything because they where not Worth the extra money and still are not IMO. THough i did talk about them some time ago in a thread.
There is a few different diodes that makes high power 405nm in both 3.8mm and or 5.6mm. As in different companies different diodes and NO you cannot tell from the back of the diode which are which like with 445nm diodes. Even with 445nm diodes you cant tell the class just that it came from a certain Projector. You cant tell the bin. Same goes for 405nm diodes For example the Sony's can be bought both with marking and No marking at all on the back. So really there is No way in telling unless you trust where you are getting them from or get them new. Or futher more tested enough to know the performance and diffrence.
I also have a high power 405nm diode that is smaller then 3.8mm size that does >500mW in power which is unreleased yet and have no info on yet. Video is on its way.............
The Sony's Led Very easy and dont like to see higher then 500mA. Another vet also tested them besides me. They where known to LED on start up every time if they dint like the currant. Which was usually at >400mA. These Sony Diodes are WMore then 6 months old. "The 37's"
These are all 12x "like" diodes. 2 of which have similar marking and very hard to tell apart unless you get them brand new. Even the ones i have are in this same class of 12x's however out of all the 3.8mm ones i tested these resent ones i posted perform better of the 3. Way better then the sonys.IMO The Sonys Maxed out very low.
THe link awillis2589 posted is a little to low in price and i think those contain the earlier first version diodes aka the very first model diodes they came out with which i think are the 36's but i cant be certain.
If you want a diode that is going to put out >1W in 405nm then get the new multi mode 405nm diodes. I can get those but not cheaper then that other guy sells them.

So go get them from him.
Just remember guys if the price seems to good to be true it usually is.
Remember what happened with the Fake 12x... :undecided: There is many Models other then the 3 that are know to be powerful that iam talking about above that can be used in place and still perform decent. So know what your buying. There is over 10 diffrent 12x like diodes but only a few perform the highest. The 37 are not one of them. Also Not all Sony burners use Sony diodes. Thats nothing new but just a reminder.