Re: 12x Murder Fund! (Complete!)
Have you decided on a current setting for this 12x experiment?
360mA sounds like a nice "even" number...
12x's seem to be quite different from 8x's in several aspects. Unlike most higher power diodes, these have a LOWER Ith (instead of higher, as is usual for higher power diodes), as well as a MUCH higher slope efficiency, than most 8x's (comparable to freak 8x's or even higher).
Because of this, i believe we need to decide on a POWER to test, not a current. And this power might be reached at currents that could seem "low" by 8x standards (but the power won't be).
At 360mA 12x's produce approximatelly 500-560mW.. But these are powers we're already capable of reaching with 8x's. However with 8x's it may not turn out to be very reliable, while i would be willing to set a 12x to 500mW+ for a buyer (with an 8x i'd rather stick closer to 400mW - but that's because i'm a little obsessed with reliability from my real work)...
Now at this point, we do not yet know how well 8x's do at 360mA. But i think we will soon.
However we won't know one thing - how high efficiency 8x's compare to 12x's, because it would require sacrificing a rare freak 8x diode. :undecided:
In any case, i would absolutelly love to test the reliability of 12x's at 500mW+, perhaps even close to 550mW, but i would like to hear from others what your expectations for 12x's are -
what kind of power you would like to see from 12x's (realistic please :angel

Something to consider: IF 12x's are as pliable as 8x's when it comes to overdriving - 500mW for an 8x is like 600mW for a 12x. But as i said, we don't know how reliable 500mW is for 8x's yet...
We do know, that 8x's seem to handle 300mA rather well - a current, where on average they produce 400-420mW...
Since 12x's are rated for 1.2 times as much power, that
could mean that they would be reliable at 480mW-500mW...
So, what is 400mW for an 8x should be similar to 480mW for a 12x.
What is 500mW for an 8x should be similar to 600mW for a 12x!
But to be honest, 600mW sounds kinda scary.
Anyway, i need to hear some ideas for this experiment, because i am completelly clueless here. With 8x's at least we had some background. Here, we are stabbing in the dark.
I really hope we don't stab too deep, and find a good "sweet-spot" for these new diodes...