As far as i know, the correct term is "hydrofluoridric acid" in English (and "acido idrofluoridrico" in Italian) ..... and yes, the chemical is HF ..... as i've said, i'm not a specialized chemical worker, and the only acid i know that is used for etching glass, is this one.
Don't know about "hydrofluoric", maybe a typo ? ..... i doubt that is a different substance, cause also this word is related to HF chemical name ..... anyway, there's no correspondent correct "idrofluorico" word in Italian, also if i have seen used also it, in some articles ..... anyway, in these articles, the writer was indicating other substances with
wrong names ..... as example, "perclorico" (percloric) for "perclorato" (perclorate) ..... "idroclorico" (hydrocloric) for "idrocloridrico" (hydrocloridric) ..... and so on, so, i'm pretty sure that this writer need more a course of Italian language, than a course of chemistry (and the worse thing is that the writer
is Italian 
Never heard "hydrofluordic", anyway