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  • Just love that avatar, You know it wouldn't have worked so well had he not started yelling at you for putting them goggles on him :crackup:
    WL (Steve) bought all A130 model projectors. They are not pushing them very hard so the 130 is fine. The diode can deliver it. The driver won't do it. All those different lenses do more than just focus it. You posted this in a "Visitors Message" NOT a "Private Message."
    Hey Petacat !
    I posted a link to the Astronomy group on one of the welcome threads started by a new LPF member who mentioned astronomy, he said he joined about 11:30 am today but I did not see him listed as a new member, do you have to approve new members, if so his sign up may be awaiting approval.
    Mag 3 to 4 skies at home. Broemmelsiek Park Astronomy Area Clear Sky Chart The county parks department built us a wonderful observing site that is great for outreach but not so dark. Have to drive over an hour to get to decent skies.
    Yes I am studying the change in the composition of clouds: particle size, particle state of matter (liquid water vs. ice) and general particle composition. Or at least that's what I hope to be able to distinguish. I have the budget to do this project because of my school, so I guess I should say it's a school project, however I'm also doing it for my own curiosity.
    I sometimes use a laser to guide it when I'm just observing, but when I'm working on my project I let it use its motors so that it can track the star. My project is essentially doing spectroscopy on clouds using stars. I have a camera set up with a diffraction grating so that I can record the changes in the spectra of stars.

    I don't think I could be an astronomer in Alaska with your -30 temperatures. However, there must be a lot less light pollution! That alone would make it worth it.
    The Orion SkyQuest XT8 has a good reputation all over the web, but the problem is that I can´t find a supplier shipping to Austria, and at the local stores it is >$500

    Anyway, thanks for the advice.

    Right now I'm borrowing my friend's Meade 8" LX200 for my current research project. I'll post some pictures of it in action as soon as it stops raining here.
    I´ll follow your recommendation Jim, I had a cheap telescope some time ago, I really enjoyed it. There´re a few from Celestron where you´re able to mount a cam. If you know a good one for under 400$ with a camera mount, tell me please.

    Hi Jim! Why do you think that I´m an Astronomer? ;)
    I don´t have a scope (unfortunately), but this is 5 minutes away from me.
    Datei:Urania Vienna June 2006 295.jpg
    I should ask them if it is possible to make some laser pics with their equipment :)
    Hey friend, I use a 10 inch reflector and a 5 in. refractor. I don't have dark skies at home, can hardly ever see the Milky Way here, but in a 1 hour drive it gets good. I have a club and there we use a 22 in. and I also have used the 60 in. on Mt Wilson that Eisenstein and Hubble used as well, there too not the darkest skies though! -Glenn
    Hi, sorry for the late reply... yup, actually i did try and looked for a club or group but that was like +6 years ago and could not find any :(, at least not in my town, but guess ill give it a try again and as for now ill add the telescope to my wishlist, also i will keep in mind ur suggestion, thanks! :beer:
    Hello there!, sorry :yabbem: i dont have any scope nor i know much about stargazing and that...yet, and because of that my current interest is more focused to nature in the space, you know read articles, info, watch documentaries about it and all that. But believe me im dying to buy my own scope asap so i can also use my lasers for starpointing as well!. :cool:
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