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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • I'm a member of the Astronomical Society of Eastern Missouri . Come out to Broemmelsiek County Park to our observatory for open house every friday night from dusk until the last person leaves. I'm usually there (unless it's near the full moon) but if you're definately going to go, send me a message so I make sure I'm there. I'd love to meet local laser aficionados.
    Same thoughts as Elektro. It is nice to see some local members.:beer:

    I saw you're from StL.. I'm also from there. Just thought I'd say Hi, it's always cool to meet new people from this area. Welcome to the forum!
    You should post the photos of you great scopes on the astronomy group page elite ares for the other astronomers to see so they don't have to go to your photo album on your home page to check them out.
    I have to drive away from Morgantow here is W.V. as well to get to darker sky elite ares.
    Since retiring from Alaska the wife and I are traveling around the country visiting relatives, and seeing the sights. We are staying here in W.V. for a year as the wife has Family here. The one thing I do miss about Alaska is the velvet dark sky, but not the cold observing. It would get so bad at -30 degrees that I had to exhale through a plastic tub drapped over my shoulder to keep from freezing up the focuser.:crackup:
    Welcome to the astronomy social group elite ares. How's the viewing at your observing site?
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