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  • Heh what kind of firearms do you own jay?
    Oh yeah also one last thing about the spiderfire p7 is the reflector metal or plastic?
    Hey thanks for the offer! Might take you up on that one day...

    I only shot Mallards and Pintail... Best eating! I remember once when I let a pair of Gadwalls land in the decoys... I was watching them swim and feed... Then when one of them swam close to a decoy and realized that it wasn't a real duck, it was just like in a cartool man...

    That duck stretched his neck way out and made a loud strange QUAAAACK as they flew off as fast as they could. It was like his eyes got bigger and stuff!

    One of the funniest things I ever saw...
    Hey Jay,

    Was just reading your story there, and I duck hunt as well! Never firget the first duck i ever shot, female mallard, fly by! :D made my father proud!

    just thought i'd mention. If you ever hit the east coast in season... I'll take ya to Cherry Island, I've built a VERY nice stone duck-blind there. One of my most lucrative hunting spots of all!

    In comparing it with the many hosts I have seen, I would say the finish is very nice, good quality...

    Oh yeah one more thing jay the finish/anodizing on the spiderfire p7 is it good enough to resist some small bumps with the anodizing still intact?
    I could think of a lot of lessens learned that night, but that light was worth it's weight in gold!
    Nine hours later, (seemed like forever), I saw a light moving very slowly. It was very far away, and all I could tell was that it was a dim light that was moving. I kept flashing the spot light at it... After about 20 minutes, I saw that the light stopped moving. I kept flashing. After about another (seems like forever) several minutes, I could start to discern that the light was getting a little brighter.

    I told my hunting buddy that I think I may have signaled a boat. He was not in the mood for any kind of joking... I promised him, 'I really think I may have signaled a boat'! Dude, that Coast Guard Boat was a sight for sore eyes!

    It was just as I had figured, my Dad went to the ramp, saw the truck and trailer still there, and called the Coast Guard. But they took forever to get out to us...

    We got towed out at about 2 or 3 am...

    Yes, they said they saw the light, and if it was not for the light, then they may never have stumbled upon us at night...
    After I saw that we were not going to drift closer to shore, but only farther out, I anchored. Knowing that my Dad would check the launch area if I wasn't home with his boat a couple hours after dark...

    We got wet bailing the boat, it was winter, we were in a river, it was very cold. Our whole bodies were non stop shaking. The only thing I had was a spot light that I stripped the wires from the cig plug connector and made a direct connection to the now very weak battery that we drained trying to start a damaged electronics motor...

    I'll never forget how cold that chrome spot light was on my already frozen face as I flicked the light on and off in hope of somebody seeing it.
    Long story long, when we came back, the only part of the boat that was above water, was the very tip. By the time we got it tied up to the branch and bailed, it was dark. All the batteries were dead except for an aux. battery up front. The motor would not start. We were going to get stuck in the mud because the tide was going out fast. So we pushed the boat out of the shallow spot, and then the river current started to take us out. My buddy could have grabbed the tullies from the front of the boat as I was 'yelling' at him to do so. But he kept saying 'why, we have an anchor'. I kept yelling, but by the time I told him that I had kept some dry matches, it was too late... We had plenty of time to argue about that little miss communication!
    Dude... I'll never forget the time I sunk my Dad's bass boat duck hunting when I was about 19 or 20. I used to hunt an island in the river, and used to tie the boat up to a branch over the water to allow for the raise and lowering of the tide... One dark morning I thought I'd be smart and tie the back of the boat to some tullies, because the boat used to swing under a branch and get a bunch of tree debris in the boat.

    To be continued... (character limit)
    Never useless! But I think I know what your asking...

    I just went out in my back yard and at 70', the fence and area behind my pool was lit up like daylight! Well, not like daylight, but this thing is probably good for at least twice that distance.

    Just a guesstimate... I guess a good comparison is car headlights. This is much brighter if you ask me...
    Hey jayrob! about your spiderfire p7... how far do you think the beam travels before its actually useless?
    i know its mostly flood but yeah:)
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