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  • Give you some pointers? :crackup:

    How about I'll sell you some DIY kits! :)

    Take a look at this list of kits and tutorials:

    Then PM me to let me know what 'tickles your fancy', and I can direct you to some other tutorials on the forum.

    There are good 'stickies' in the Tutorials and Help section...

    P.S. Once you start building, you will be 'hooked'! But don't get discouraged when you kill a diode or two. Building becomes easy, but you must go through a 'learning curve' before it becomes easy...
    Hi Jay I'm Jay. I want to get into making home made lasers. Could you give me some pointers? (no pun intended ha ha)
    Sorry, I don't give out the dimensions...

    I do sell the heatsinks separately. Send me a PM! :)
    Yes, it's a very generous advertising campaign. But they must be very confident in their new product line as well!

    This kind of a bold move will have to be followed up with good customer service and quality control. So this is good news from WL. (IMO)
    The owner of WL (Steve), contacted me and asked if I was interested. Of course I said yes! :) He was looking for honest, non-biased reviews. He contacted several members as you have seen...

    Some will be reviewing the flagship Spyder III's as well! I'll be getting one of the Sypder III Greens. Unless he changes his mind for some reason. I hope he doesn't! :D In fact, he told me today that I was still getting one. I was e-mailing him because he had asked to check out one of my 405-G-1 glass lens modifications...
    It's a great light for $35 bucks...

    In my thread, I mentioned that using an AW 18650 battery is a much brighter that using an UltraFire 18650. That AW battery is worth the extra money for a current hog like the P7...
    Good news I just came back from vacation and I got my spiderfire p7!
    Nice stuff! Thanks for your help jay
    Now i just gotta wait till it gets dark hehe:)
    Well, I really just sell DIY kits that you must finish the build on. I can try an help you out if the laser takes an AixiZ lens thread...
    I'll send you a PM.
    hey man, I'm new at this so please cut me a bit of a break. The reason for me liking lasers is simply because I love to go to music festivals and play with them. I have a few green and red 50mw ones with the star cap pen style. I just last night purchased m first 405nm pen style one rated at 100mw. I realize that this is probably closer to 50mw. But iw ould like to get as much power out of it as possible without damaging it. I read a little bit about your 405-G-1 mod. Would that be something that could be done on my pen style lasers with the star cap? I just want to be able to have the brightest one out there. I wouldnt mind sending you the laser and paying you for the product and doing the mod yourself. Or if there is a write up for it I could do it myself but it seems that mine would be a pretty specific application. I appreciate you help.
    That's a nice diode, and most people are setting current at 420mA's for 245mW's through AixiZ acrylic. This lasts pretty good if you keep to a 1 minute duty cycle.

    If you what longer life, you can settle for 390mA's and still be well over 200mW's of power.

    Shipping is the same price, but out of U.S., buyer takes responsibility. I have not had any problems, even to AU, because as you said, it is not a laser. It is a flashlight. It will be marked as a 'gift', with a description of 'LED flashlight', with a low value of $15 dollars.
    hey im interested in buying the hot option for your Pocket Mini Build Kit. however, i have a few questions.

    i live in australia, would it get stopped at customs? due to lasers being over 1mw illegal here. im assuming it wont be, considering its not a laser, just parts for the laser.

    also, i have no idea what current i want you to set it at. im planning on putting a dvd burner diode in there, i dont know if that helps. 650nm 20x DVD Burner Laser Diode in Aixiz Laser Module Housing [LPC-815 in Aixiz module] - $22.38 : High Tech DealZ, Simplifying the LASER Hobby!

    is shipping also $6 outside of US? in this case, to australia? hopefully it is because i really dont want to spend any more. its already gonna cost me $91 AUD. 54 for your build thingy (+shipping) and another 22 for an aixiz+dvd burner diode. so much for a cheap project.. god damn you kipkay!

    In case anybody is going to try to contact me...

    I'm going to be on vacation from 8/16 through the 20th. Although someone will be at my home, they will not be checking my e-mails and forum PM's.

    I plan on checking in every couple of days to answer PM's and e-mails, but once I take off on the 16th, I won't be shipping kits and lenses until I get back on the 20th...
    Aluminum reflector, glass lens...

    I don't own any firearms any more. My duck hunting days were many moons ago. So if I ever hunt duck again, I'll have to borrow a shotgun.
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