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  • yeah, but it's too large in size have to rework the animations and optimize in something like macromedia fireworks. just haven't had time to do it yet.
    if you run across one of those lights, please let me know.

    yeah that's the one. their store no longer carries it, and i cant find it on the internet. any advice? do you have a MFG part # by chance.

    oh yeah, this is WonHungLow by the way. new forum resorted to my login name instead of my screen name. and i lost my precious avatar.

    you definitely look the part of my nick for you (Mean Jay Green) :p
    Certainly not the typical profile of a "lens designer" ;)

    Well I'll have to show your pic to my colleague with the fat bob - I'm sure she'll be impressed :)
    hey jay, do you have or know who does have the taskforce flashlights from lowes. they no longer carry that item. any ideas?
    Jay, is that you behind that Fatboy???
    Btw, one of my colleagues has one too... and she's kinda cute ;)

    p.s. you think the peeps below know the difference between a VM and a PM? Ain't vBulletin kewl :p
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