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  • Yes, but I'm sure the 2600mAh one is even better. But I did not know they were available...
    Just to confirm jay this is what you got right?
    AW 18650 Protected 2200 mAh Rechargeable Lithium Battery
    I believe 2800mA's to get 900 lumens. There is some comments as well in DX's site:
    DealExtreme: $15.37 SSC P7 C-Bin LED Emitter with 21mm Heat Sink Base (3.6V~3.7V)

    But I really don't think you will get that much current draw from a single 18650 unless there is a driver that can do that. I have tried three different drivers for the P7's that I have. (three different lights. Two mods, and the SpiderFire one) And I can only get that much current if I use 2 X CR123 with the Kaidomain driver. (which is 2 X AMC7135's)

    P.S. I'm sure that the P7 lights on DX that use 2 X 18650's will give full power. (I would imagine)
    well theres alot this one AW 18650 Protected 2600 mAh Rechargeable Lithium Battery - New Version
    i dont know witch to choose..
    The new one at the top of his list: (2200mAh)
    AW's LiIon Batteries Sales Thread *Part 8* - CPFMarketPlace

    The difference in current draw vs UltraFire for my P7 light is shown here:

    Noticeably brighter. I don't have a way to measure it, but I would guess at least 25% brighter. I did not do any comparisons on how much faster it heats up or anything like that...
    alright cool!
    Hey jay about those AW 18650 batts should i get the 2600mAh protected?
    How much faster does the spiderfire heat up?
    And how much of a brightness difference compared to regular ultrafire or trusfire 18650s?
    I ordered the switches needed for this mod over a month ago... They are back ordered. I'll let you know when I have them...
    Hey do you have any extra switches so that I can replace the one in my spiderfire p7 its getting annoying to press it twice to turn off..
    how much would you charge?
    I dont want to wait for dx :]
    thanks bud
    It's too bad that true blue is still expensive. We live in such a technological time and it sucks that it's submitted to money and company competitiveness. Sorry for rambling on.
    Yep... If your talking about my 358mW 'full length' white beam shot in the night sky, the beam looks much 'whiter' to the eye. Like the side of the laser is, in the picture...

    Hi JayRob, I think I know why your camera shows blue instead of white on the 7 laser diy kit. It's using 405nm rather than true blue 473nm. Cameras can be better than human eyes you know?
    Hi, I'd like to buy the a lens mod for my new style dilda. I am a noob tho. I will most likely break it if i try to install it...id like to make my laser stronger...
    Duty cycle is not 'set in stone'.

    I would not run my personal 8X more than 1 minute at a time, even if I had it in a heatsink 1" thick. I would say that 1 minute in a Pocket Mini is also fine with aluminum or copper. This is just my opinion...
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