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  • Hi Jayrob,

    I would like to buy one of your heatsinks (version 2) for the 3405 host. How do I go about doing this?
    Sure thing!

    Just send me a PM when your ready! :)

    P.S. Check out my new toy!

    Awesome 12X phaser balloon pop video here:
    YouTube - 12X Blu-Ray Star Trek Phaser - Featured on HacknMod.com

    Tutorial here:

    Hey jayrob, keep me in mind as well, for heatsinks. In the future i'll tell you the heatsink i will need for the appropriate MXDL host! thanks!
    Hey Jayrob ! Just wanted to know if you still have some of your schweet mini green kits still in stock as I should be getting a couple extra spending dollars from my holiday hours from work this and next week and am in need of a nice looking / effecient kit for my test green 30mW O-like module thats on its way. Just let me know if you have any left ! thanks ! -EzPk
    hello jayrob i am interested in purchasing one of the MXDL Host & Heatsink Combo! (4171 or 3405) buildkits i am fine with either one whichever one you are more comfortable with making heat sink for. thank you for your time
    I'm using that DX module that you mentioned...

    Yes, my DIY Green kit does fit the DX modules, as well as the O-like modules. (12mm)

    The modules have the lenses built in. There are links to the modules in my thread. I just sell the host/heatsink kit.

    Send me a PM if you have more questions... :)
    Dear Jayrob,
    1) Do you have the DX 200mW that you`ve tested (105mW) 1b) that test is with the lenses of the module or with ayxis or glass ? 2) price ? I would like to buy them used from you. Obviously, I`ll not ask for any guarantee, I know you are honest about everything you sell and test, so, are they in good shape or you`ve tested them with high power?.
    I would also like to ask if 3) that module have got lenses or I have to add them? . In case that they don`t have, 4) how much would the complete kit costs in a any used host that you have and with glass lenses (If you had some used to sell, better for me). I don`t want to spend too much money in this but if can be bussiness for both, I`ll go on. 5) Do DX module fits in this host: "FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assembly! ? 6) how much would it cost with acrylic lenses ? Im in Argentine

    Thanks in advance

    I only sell kits, with no laser diodes...

    I will have to refer you to IgorT. He has offered to build my kits for those who want my designs, but would like it pre-assembled. The only thing is, he is very busy because he does very high quality builds. He has his own designs as well.

    You can get my kit, and he can help you with the diode and the build. Send me a PM...
    Hey, I'm an Atrophysicist from MIT now teaching Physics in Indiana. I have been collecting and experimenting with lasers for some time now, but have been paying a great deal of money (Wicked Lasers). I would love to get my hands on that Pocket Mini Blu-Ray at 292mA's and 375mW's with the cool stickers you have in that pic (warnings, output, and Blu-Ray sticker), the copper head, Meredith glass lense, and the blue tritium. I want it completely assembled and perfect. I'm picky, so it would have to be stable and flawless. So obviously I would want the driver put in. I want it exactly like I see in that picture on your website (with these extras I've mentioned). Please give me a price estimate and I will consider buying a completed model.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    I just finished my first 8x build in your pocket mini and love it!

    LG BH08 8x LD
    405 G-1 lense
    Copper Heat Sink

    Thanks again!

    For a blu-ray/rkcstr set up, it is best to use a host that has a 3 X AAA supply, and use 3 X 10440's. The voltage will drop fast under load, and will be safe for the driver.

    If you only used 2 X RCR123, in a blu-ray/rkcstr set up, then the voltage would very soon drop below what is needed for the driver to stay in regulation. Which just means that the output power of the laser would get weaker as the batteries drain.

    With that said, I would recommend a 3405 host for your full length blu-ray module/rkcstr.

    Sending PM...
    HI So i was wondering if you could help me out a little bit. Im looking for a host for a module im buying from Mohrenberg
    It is the <100mW Blu-ray from the PHR-803t sled. This diode is set at 120mA" Here is the post link.http://laserpointerforums.com/f64/fs-complete-modules-44555.html

    Would your DIY Green Build Kit work for this module. I know ill have to ask for it to be case positive but would the 2 wires work coming off the board instead of the spring in your pictures. And also would the batteries that it takes to run that host be ok for the module to run off of.

    If that simply doesnt work do you know of a build kit that i could uses. i would really prefer it to be a flashlight as a host but honestly im down for whatever works just as long it has good power for that module.

    I would really appreciate an answer back. Thank you for you help
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