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  • Hey jay how are you, i finally got down and registered
    I guess you already know how i am, but just in case (kriticos22@.....)
    Hi, I don't sell complete lasers, but with my 'Hot' option kits, most of the work is done!

    My Pocket mini is the most popular kit I have, and is a sweet little build...

    With the 'Hot' option, most of the work is done. But you still would need to get your own diode and be able to press it into an AixiZ module, and solder the lead wires to your diode pins. (but you can buy diodes pre-pressed into AixiZ modules)

    Here is a post that shows what is needed on your part if you get the 'Hot' option:

    Here is a list of my kits and stuff:

    Just PM me for any other questions! :)
    Hi Jayrob, I'm new to all this. I just recently got into mod computer parts.

    As an artist, I discovered that fasinating things can be done by mixing media. I'm in the process of mod flexible(off the shelf) LED and laser pointers with tiny webcam cameras. I'm hoping to make lit up webcam eyes. I'm also working on mod a flatbed scanner (scanning pictures into the computer) to make a 3d scanner for 3d objects. I just posted 1 picture of the led/pointer job, it's no big deal. I'll post more.

    I'd like to buy 2 405-G-1 laser pointers from you. One would be complete, the other is the kit of the exact model. I learn better when I touch the things I do than just follow written instructions alone.

    I noticed allot of references to kits. SO I don't know if you sell just the kits with tech support alone. So I hope I don't offend you with my request. I just need to take it apart and be able to put it back together and as I go along, I have a couple of ideas on mods.

    I have to use a milling attachment on my lathe to mill the tiny slot...

    On the SpyderFire host, there are only two spots that are suitable. There are three raised (thick metal) areas on the head. Same for the tail cap. Either area will work. Send me a PM if you are interested...
    Hey jay! How did you mill a slot into the sides of flashlights to fit tritinum vails? I was wondering if it was possible to do that to the spiderfire p7?
    I just use one of the ones that I got with my RPL's...

    It says DSD. This one:
    DealExtreme: $6.71 DSD 18650 CR123A Charger Black
    OH! doh!
    Im a nooby at these current and such things about volts and such ha!
    i still got a LOT to learn
    thanks jay for always helping!
    Not at all... 2600mAh just means that it has more capacity. It shouldn't give any more current draw than the 2200mAh battery from AW. Just last longer between charges...
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