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  • Received the lenses today...Nicely done, threads are pretty tight on Axiz module, very tight on O-Like module. With O-like module the BFL is bad and had to remove part of module to get FL correct. After this, no problem. The only problem I found was with the O-Like slim 150mW bluray laser pointer. The odd laser diode has a weird slow and fast axis and threads are not the same, further, the BFL makes the lens almost bottom out on the LD.. Nice lens though..

    BTW - Who was it who made the RGV laser assembly, sorry if I already asked this...
    hey, bobhaha said ur the man to talk to for a portable host that will accept a 100mw green module from o-like that has a setscrew?
    Got your PayPal, sent you an e-mail...

    Please verify your shipping address via e-mail and I will ship your kit Monday! :)
    Finally!!! I have been trying to get the pp to go through on my phone with no luck. I just got home and sent it Jay. I really wish tomorrow wasnt sunday...So anxious...Thanx alot really. I cant wait to get started...
    They are mounted into an AixiZ brass lens nut. Which has been modified from an AixiZ glass lens. The inside is machined to fit the new lens.

    So if your module accepts AixiZ threads, it should be fine. But the 'short focus' lens requires it to be very close to the diode in order to get focus. So as long as the module threading allows this, then you will be fine.

    But I have not tested the o-like modules...

    If you want, you can send me a module and I'll slap a PHR into it and test the focus first. Then I can send it back with your lenses! :)
    These will fit the O-like module heatsink / heads, correct? They both hold (loosely) the glass / plastic lenses...
    Just PM me your e-mail, let me know exactly what you would like to order, and I can send you a PayPal invoice... :)
    hey jay, I was wondering if i gave u my paypal info if u would put it through tonight? Im having technical difficulties with my comp.
    Oh ok well I had to try. Haven't had any luck finding anyone that does. Thanks anyway though should you change your mind email me.
    Sorry but I don't sell complete lasers... Just kits. My kits don't include the laser diode. You would still have to buy your own diode and assemble it, to turn my kit into a laser.

    To buy any DPSS yellow, it will be expensive. To make yellow, it would be a difficult build. Combining red and green beams to get yellow...
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