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  • Hello my name is Duncan. I was wondering if it was at all possible for you to make 2 of these for me. Or at least one. This is going to sound silly but it's for a project I'm working one. I am a member of gbfans.com and coming up soon is PKE Surge at Dragoncon. I am in the middle of building my own Proton Pack from Ghostbusters. At the last one I met a guy who had incorprated a green laser in his wand. So this year I am trying to do the same but since yellow is by far more accurate I am trying that. I read the instructions you have posted and there is no way for me to get all that's needed plus I'm not to good at that kind of thing. Was gonna just buy a yelow pointer but cheapest one I found was 400. If you think you can help let me know and thanks in advance! You can reach me here or at solodarkprince@aol.com.
    If the head unscrews from the body, then it will be easy. But the pictures don't show...
    hey Jay, what about making this DealExtreme: $7.20 1W 1-AA MXDL Flashlight Silver as a new kit?
    Hey Jay if i ordered your pocket mini, with all the options, would you be wiling to send me another flex drive with a different current set for phr's? I ordered the sf aw already just waiting, but anxious so looking for options...
    It's actually best to measure the host. Because I have a couple of different suppliers of the Pocket Mini host, and there are slight differences in the heatsink designs...

    For the length, just take it apart and measure the length of the aluminum reflector and glass flashlight lens stacked. That will be the length of your heatsink...

    Please don't take it personal, but I have a rule not to give out measurements any longer.

    In the past, there have been a couple of people that have copied my stuff and sold right alongside of me.

    Too bad people like that have to mess things up for the good people.

    If it weren't for those types, I would show a lot more information in my threads for do it yourself builders...
    I'm looking for dimensions for your heatsink for the pocket mini kit. Is it too much trouble to ask for length and O.D and I.D sizes??
    How long does delivery usually take from o-like? Im anxious my first real build[sort of]. With a ton of help from you.I really cant wait to see your skills at work Jay.
    Just ordered my green from rayfoss. And i ordered my diode so now to just make sure the mini is what I want..
    For longevity, just set them a little lower, and then don't abuse them by leaving them on for long periods...

    A PHR at 100mA's will last a long time, but most people set them at 120mA's because they are cheap and easy to replace.

    An AW210 is normally set at 170mA's, but would last longer at 150mA's...
    Hi jay, curious as to how much better or longer the phr 803t verses the sf sf aw210 will stand..cost isnt really a factor if it will last...or should i just go with more of the other??

    The PHR's are good between 100mA's and 120mA's. Most people run them at 120mA's because they are cheap and easy to replace.

    120mA's would give you about 105mW's with an AixiZ acrylic lens. (normal efficiency diode)
    kk just wanted to check seeing as i have seen them selling the AixiZ module and then had prices for lenses which were supposedly additional cost with no standard one shown.

    Would PHR-803T blu-ray laser diode in focusing module - $18.99 : Modwerx Shop work with the build listed below?
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