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  • Hey I seen where you had like a 7w blue laser? I was wondering if you'd make me one? I'm new and overwhelmed at it. I want to buy one to study. I also wanted to know how exactly you're disabled? I am paralyzed myself.
    Still want to chat about a laser? We can go into details about our working/non functional systems... LOL.. Sorry if this is a late reply.

    Thanks for the welcome Mitch. I'm new to the forum but I've owned lasers for a long time, bout 20 years. I love the builds you have done, and hope to see more of those high-tech beasts in the future.
    I think Jordan still has them in stock, a don't have them currently available ... been away from home for few months now.. glad you like it :)
    can you steer me in the right direction for a 532 in a 400-600mw range.

    newly built or slightly used.
    All of them that I checked worked. Try it again. You may have to delete cookies
    Oh I'm just saying, just in case. Didn't know :)

    I know, I'm always poking my nose into none of my business.
    I purchased a 850mW+ 447nm Jayrob 18650 build from RD and Im very happy. I highly recommend dealing with RD! Service and product were both top notch!

    Howdy Mitch I Made a thread in re your builds that you showed me--glad you put up some photos maybe you can ad a post and tell us some more about it.---Hak-
    If I can be of any help feel free to PM me---btw GreenMechanic is a very helpful member in Lakeland ---and He (Mark) is a good friend to have..Len from Texas
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