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  • Hi, I have never bought anything from you before but I need your help. I recently bought a laser head in a module (360mW - 400mW) here in South Korea and it looks like the driver is as dead as a door nail. Died after I ran it on 3.7v at 1A .. DRiver info indicated to me that it needed at least 3.5v at 880mA to run it up to 4.5v @ 880mA

    It looks like I have a dud. Are you able to fix this? I tried contacting the seller but he hasn't responded as of yet. Also I have a 250mW 405nM module from the same person without a driver. I need a decent driver for it. Do you know where I can find a good driver that is preset for blu-ray projects.
    I am also looking for labby heat sinks as well.

    I hope I'll be doing business wiht you.
    Sincerely CJW in South Korea!
    As a diver, I would say than you don't need it to withstand 50 meters because you will not be diving that deep! (well you could, but most don't)

    Anyway, it's one of those things that can only be found out by testing...

    At depths of even 30', the air inside the host will be like a vacuum, and would 'suck' a normal glass lens inward. So you can only test the flashlight first, and if it holds up, then build it into a laser!
    Hey jay, Do you know where I could find a decent water proof host? I know about the rayfoss red for $35. but its only good to 5 meters.I want like 50
    Just send me a private message and give me your e-mail, and I will send a PayPal invoice! :)
    Ray - send me the paypal invoice for what we spoke of with Cu heatsink, might as well add one more of your nice UV lenses. Do I get a discount? LOL
    Yes the heatsink has a set screw...

    You will need a 1.5mm Allen wrench for the set screw. (wrench not included) You will not need to drill your Mini Mag host for this modification. Take a closer look at the thread pictures:

    Send me a private message for PayPal... :)

    P.S. There are much better kits available! My Pocket Mini is the most popular. Here's a list of my kits and stuff:
    Hello, I am interested in the custom heatsink, with spacer and o-ring for the mini-mag (red diode). Does that come with the module-set screw as well? Also, using that screw size, what size drill bit do I need to drill my mini-mag and how do I determine where to exactly drill?
    There are a couple of ways to measure the current with your DMM...

    I always just connect my DMM 'in-line' on the positive lead between the driver and the test load. Then measure on the mA setting.

    You can also measure mV by using the probes on each side of the resistor on the test load... (1mV = 1mA)

    I've found in my testing that it's more accurate to use the first method...
    Hey jay, so i was wondering where on the dummy load would i put the meters prongs to get the 170 ma reading?i get 2.4 and 5.0 for readings. ryan told me my meter was parellel to something originally that was giving me v not current or vice'versa..so i put the meter where i believe he said and thats where i got the 2.4. So maybe not forward but def not backwards..this is annoying, i wish i had my camera to take a pic.
    My 405-G-1, and 650-G-1 glass lenses are an Aspheric lens, with AR coating on both sides...

    Unfortunately, these high quality optics will not be cheap no matter where you buy them. It's not just a matter of the AR coating. It is mostly the design and shape of the lens, and the quality.

    I custom fit them into a machined brass AixiZ modification, which adds to the cost...

    You may want to try out one of my 650-G-1 glass lens assemblies for red! :)
    It was set @ 170. Also what makes your lense so good? No pun i mean simply what kind of lense works best or better?
    I don't remember off the top of my head what your 'Hot' option is set at, but I like 190mA's with GGW's...
    Hey jay, Do you think i could run a ggw on the driver you sent, with no worries? Do you know the rating for a ggw? As far as what is safe?
    I sent your package on Monday, 4/19...

    Here is the tracking number:
    0309 0330 0001 7224 1252

    It shows that it is in Boston today...
    Hey jay i was curious if anyone got there kits you sent yet? I have not so i figured i would check..i built my first green the other day in a mini mag..and i got my rayfoss 150 today so sickkkk..well let me know k..if uwanna email me instead thats cool...
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