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  • That chart is missing the clasic No->Your ass makes you look fat->She Crys->You're Screwed flow.
    hey dave! would you be willing if i sent you my pocket mini kit so you can assemble it,and you charge my for the parts and labor? how much if you did so?
    Dear Dave
    If the 8x is still available I'd like it please. Let me know and Ill paypal you. I'm in London.

    Best regards
    thank you Dave-saw the +rep for laserboY== now my problem is how do I pay you back for the favor ? I have an item to mail to you 'just for fun' who knows it might turn out to be something other members may want- stranger things have happened. Driving over to Fla to visit Dad(92) back in Tx by Dec 1 & will mail then--where to?--Len(halzaw1)
    Hello Dave-- So glad the Dark Drama is over--there is SO much great and positive stuff on LPF but sadly the drama is not one of them. Hopefully he will get his act together. He has a lot to work on. He had to know that those red diodes would get throughly checked out by you-- maybe he did not know how to use that Laserbee!! LOL-- Oh well== water over the dam now. Anyhoo-- I got an invite from Facebook to be your friend today- did you send that or was it an automatic generated thing??= either way we all need friends. I am a member and a senior and hope to someday be a LPF senior member. but-- so much to learn and so little time!==!peace==LaserLen(hakzaw1)
    Dave, I come here now and then just to get a laugh out of what Niko posts here :crackup:
    You gotta love the man!
    Interested in your red burning modules. Are you in LA? We could meet up and give you cash for them.

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