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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • since you are a laser veteran do you know where to get empty phr without the diodes but has the dichro and the lens on top.
    Now I know why there's so much spam going into our email accounts everyday...

    I'll keep on spamming then! I gotta keep up!

    Also, isn't masturbation prohibited (or has some kind of penalty) in christianity?
    Hey Dave!
    Heard you sent a 12X to IgorT.
    Is there a thread for results yet?
    Would you mind keeping me updated, because I have no internet yet and must use my Blackberry.
    It's kinda hard to browse a forum with a blackberry :P
    Sorry, i was sick and really bored so i posted over board. i have been notified that i shouldn't pull up old threads - i didn't know thats what i was doing or i would not have done it, wont post as much in the future, promise.
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