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FrozenGate by Avery

Brand new custom host?

Aug 30, 2008
I'm thinking about having a brand new, custom host produced.
While I certainly love the Kryton, I don't like $10 royalties.
I was originally going to spend a few thousand on inventory to open the online store, however, I think that money could be best spent on the production of a new host, and i'll use the sale of it to slowly stock items in the store.

I've been gone a bit though. What's popular these days?

Common drivers and their input voltage would dictate what what kind of barrel it should have for example. I'm assuming it's still 18650 or 18350 though.
I've always liked the idea of a side clicky myself.
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I'm thinking about having a brand new, custom host produced.
While I certainly love the Kryton, I don't like $10 royalties.
I was originally going to spend a few thousand on inventory to open the online store, however, I think that money could be best spent on the production of a new host, and i'll use the sale of it to slowly stock items in the store.

I've been gone a bit though. What's popular these days?

Common drivers and their input voltage would dictate what what kind of barrel it should have for example. I'm assuming it's still 18650 or 18350 though.
I've always liked the idea of a side clicky myself.

Yes 18650 and 18350, but also 26650 and 16340, I think though that 18650 is by far the most popular. Some need one battery and some need two, if your only going to have one type of host made, I suggest it either come in two lengths, one battery or two, or better yet have it made to take one 18650 and have a battery extension tube available for it. Some of the newer diodes produce too much heat so don't make it too small.

Welcome back.

Why not go totally unique, and do a form factor that differs from the norm. I like my Photino hosts a lot. You could do a host that was sort of a scaled up version of that concept, so that it was easier to use, and maybe took a standard LiPo size.
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Hi M,
Crazy spas said it all well put very popular host design. Dual battery option 18650 and 18350 so you can use the host for higher and lower voltage diodes. The host heat sinks should be beefy with the higher diodes.
Thanks Scrazyspaz :-))
Sorry 26650's too dual or single option nice
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I've always liked the idea of a side clicky myself.

I agree, to me, a side clicky feels like a much more natural position to have the switch placed.

An alternate form facter like rhd suggests might be an interesting way to go also; maybe along the lines of those box shaped mech. mod units.
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Here's what I want out of a host myself and I have been looking.
Side Clicker, 3 position lock switch, looks like a light sabre hilt (dark side or light side not mattering too much), large enough to be uniform in size from tip to tail. Doesn't look like a flashlight at all. Everything else has been stated in others' posts about battery choices.
I'm thinking about having a brand new, custom host produced.
While I certainly love the Kryton, I don't like $10 royalties.

Is he still getting royalties? I don't like it either, he still owes me money!

Anyway, If the block was small it wouldn't be too bad. IMO.

Several guys at work Vape and some of the battery packs are rectangular shaped boxes. Personally not a fan.

Just a suggestion, but a Square/Pentagonal/Hexagonal/Heptagonal/Octagonal, etc. (you get the idea) shaped body might also be interesting. It would lend itself to a side mounted switch and be different.
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Hi Jayyrob does builds with a key lock and a voltage meter but that's for his mag light customs. Maybe he can hook you up if not other host vendors can build you one to your specs. And Jayrob can install the options. Hope this helps you.
Good luck with your build be safe wear your glasses :-)))
Is he still getting royalties? I don't like it either, he still owes me money!

Anyway, If the block was small it wouldn't be too bad. IMO.

Several guys at work Vape and some of the battery packs are rectangular shaped boxes. Personally not a fan.

Just a suggestion, but a Square/Pentagonal/Hexagonal/Heptagonal/Octagonal, etc. (you get the idea) shaped body might also be interesting. It would lend itself to a side mounted switch and be different.

Only when i was selling them. even then, HE wasn't getting anything. It was going directly to people he owed money to. Bob Boyce ended up getting like $620 in royalties from me, but i think he's still owed a couple thousand.
This seems to be an opinion thread so heres what i think would be cool!
Side clicky could be cool yet it seems like it would complex the host design. I like the single 18650 or dual 16340 setup for its pocket size. Ergonomic design with heatsink fins around the diode driver area. Maybe some hex rings to keep from rolling. Built in heatsink for a 12mm module? Custom andodizing? Thats always a plus but can be spendy
I personally would prefer side clicky on/off (not momentary) and extension tube option. Enough space in the head to easily mount components (C6 is too tight). If you are only looking at one type of host then it definitely needs to be a popular look and not too pricey. The heat-sink can have different metal options to help with cost and the host could have the same as well as coatings but I haven't a clue if this would be too involved and make your life miserable.
Possibly make the same host in 2 or more battery sizes if it is really popular. Would be nice to have different size/battery options and all with an optional extension tube. Could just sell them complete with the extension tube if that's just going to be a pain.
Whatever you decide it's just great to have someone from within our members commit for the good of all:) I just don't want to see you buy 200 of them and have a hard time moving your stock.
Why not go totally unique, and do a form factor that differs from the norm. I like my Photino hosts a lot. You could do a host that was sort of a scaled up version of that concept, so that it was easier to use, and maybe took a standard LiPo size.

AGREED. I'd like to see something like that.
I also like hosts that can use both 18650 and 18350 cells to give voltage flexibility.

I actually use mine as pointers, so, the smaller the form factor the better for me at least...balanced against the need for heat sinking as I do use longer run times.

If a side clicky, I need it to have a lock out/method to avoid hot pockets, etc.

For my 445 nm for example, it has a ring in front to focus it...and, if the "ring" was more like a control wheel or even a lever, etc...on the body, so I don't need to reach in front of the laser when its on to focus it, and holding/focus could be a one handed operation, that would be cool.

I slide the lasers in/out of pockets a lot, so if its too finned etc, so as to be better as shedding heat, it might end up also being better at shredding pockets, etc.

A holster made of something that doesn't foul the lens when you accidentally turn the laser on inside it and smoke it up, or perhaps magnetically linked to it so as to disable it in the holster would be an, um, improvement. :)

If the laser is UV/invisible beamed....an "on light" could be useful too.

Same with a step down/thermal protection circuit and/or warning of some type.

Trit slot options might be cool.

Copper could be cool.

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1. Side clicky which when partially pushed can also act as a momentary switch, Harold has some nice ones he used on a RGB three color laser host he made for me.

2. A on-off switch on the end cap of the host is a must for me, I just don't trust one button and want two to make it more difficult to have an accidental flash when handling.

3. A heat sink with DEEP fins of 1/4 an inch minimum and enough mass to allow a 3.5 watt laser diode too as well as a place to mount a driver between the aixiz module and the battery contactor heat sinked to the host (instead of inside a aixiz module) to allow longer run time..

4. One or two batteries option with a battery tube big enough to allow two 26650's but a battery tube adapter insert to allow the use of a 18650.

5. A threaded cap on the output end which allows a beam expander option to be threaded on to the front end, when you remove it would be uber nice. Jetlasers made a nice mechanism for hanging a beam expander on their host, allows you to slide it around to get the beam centered right and a ring to tighten it down in place.

6. All switches good to at least 6 amps, the more the better.

Perhaps all of my host likes add too much cost, but there they are for your consideration.
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