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  • You just might want to try that Laserland 520 that a few of us got for free to review. We are seeing about 10mw, which might be a bit strong for your tastes but running 2 C123's instead seem to to tame it. For $23 its a heck of a host and build..Actually just found out Lifetime metered mine at 5mw.
    Hey man.. did you ever get your 685 going again? Pm me my mobile is being tard
    +Rep for beating me to the punch in finding it first - Proof of Existence of Gravity Waves
    Feel free to post in the thread :) TECs can be incredibly sensitive (assuming you shield it from ambient energy sources) Although you may need to change R2 to 100K to give a higher gain range. You should be able to read lasers at the single digit mW range with no issues.
    You & family/freinds are invited to attend the BCF Cook-off Oct 15-16 & 17
    down in Angleton
    on the 15th the fair is free
    on Fri & Sat you pay to enter the fair.... but free access to the cook-off area

    is FREE & it is located on the SE side of the fairgrounds in front of the Rodeo arena

    better to park back there than parking and entering from the front of the fairgrounds
    we can be seen thru the fence- look for a LOT of campers etc-
    ask anyone where we are and they will direct you-- If you arrive after dark look or our two flaming torches above our entrance
    you may get stopped upon entering our booths on Friiday BUT just ask for me- I have VIP passes for you-

    I cannot get you in free on Fri or Sat

    BUT you will get >10$ worth of BBQ and drink
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