Schrecken - interesting art

I don’t think too many women would find some of that particular type of art attractive! [smiley=evil.gif] But I do agree with you though about different strokes for different folks. It just kinda hurts when you see a man who can’t change the spark plugs on his car, or when you see a boy who can’t change his bike wheel. Men are supposed to act like Men. And Women are supposed to act like Women. But who’s to actually judge?
I don’t believe it’s confined to any specific influence, like media, parents, or society etc. I believe it ultimately comes down to choice. I’m not saying that these external influences are powerless because their influences are quite great, but only one can choose “truly” for themselves. What I mean is every member at this forum has a unique liking and respect for lasers by choice. At any second, someone can decide to “kick the habit” (Which does happen around here, look at the “Buy, Sell & Trade” board topic) and maybe impulsively, or conscientiously up and sell all their lasers/optics and gear. There are many reasons why/how people make decisions. I believe those who are true to themselves and make choices from their hearts are stronger then those who are still trying to figure out what’s cool, or accepted, etc (which is why some people have beef with WL around here! (Manipulated advertising)).
In regards to my thoughts: In conclusion, I believe there are hobbies/endeavors that are better suited (in general) per gender. For some examples: construction, auto mechanic, garbage, landscaping vs. hair stylist, secretary, cleaner, nursing, home mom. Not related to the difference in genatalia, but perhaps an overall stronger body and the physical demands of the job vs the discipline, knowledge and patience required for others. That doesn’t mean that there are no women in construction, or auto mechanics etc., and that you don’t see male nurses, stay at home Dads etc, not saying one is harder then another, just different. However, it ultimately comes down to our personal decisions of what we wish to do as HUMAN BEINGS that makes us who we are. I choose to like lasers. I choose to hate T.V. So to you Mr. Lawson, you choose to make your wife unhappy because you choose to make yourself happy with your lasers! Now your decision making approach which will determine how you solve this issue (I’ll be looking for your RPL in the Buy/sell/trade topic! ;D J/k!).
Schrecken, I don’t want to single you out just because you’re a woman, but I think it’s totally awesome that you have a liking for lasers and you are a member of this forum.