Now guys... Shreken has a good point. Not "getting" lasers is really not a sex-based issue. Some
people are just naturally curious about technical things. My dad was a master watchmaker and my mother's a biochemist, so I grew up über-curious about everything. Others in less stimulating households might not be so lucky. My mom thinks lasers are fantastic, but my wife, not so much.
That being said, my wife is a financial genius and more than my equal in many ways. That's why I married her. We share a passion for the same sports and lifestyles but still have our own unique interests on the side. IMHO, the best partner is one who has some attributes you really wish that you had. That way when you marry you become greater than the sum of your parts. You both bring different skills to the table and are stronger together in an equitable, mutually respectful relationship. It took me many, many years to finally find a woman like that. I love her dearly and actually do value her opinion (despite appearances).
So, back to the original topic, BALANCE is what's important here. We all have needs, men and women alike, so when lasers, or shopping, or cars, or PS3s start to take up so much time in our lives that our families feel neglected, it's time to step back and ask whether we aren't actually getting a bit obsessed with our hobbies. Marriage isn't easy. It takes constant work to keep it running smoothly, just like life in general.
(The concept of entropy applies here, metaphorically of course) But when it works, it beats being single any day.
Anyway, I'm no Dr. Phil... go buy a self-help book if you can't figure it out... I'm just rambling 'cause I can't sleep.
P.S. c0ld, we should probably move this up to the "General" section.