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  • Hey sorry to bother you but there are 34 pages of posts on your $50.00 LPM thread. What would the lowest reading it will take be? I am really mostly interested in low power lasers around 5mw. I didn't see it listed in the OP. I also did a thread search for "range" "mw" I really didn't know what to search for exactly for the min. Sorry to bother you. I appreciate your input.
    Scientech LPM with the banana plugs
    Hakzaw said you had questions

    Did you get it working
    Hey there, just wondering if you could check out my thread on getting a logo cut out of a piece of acrylic material. Thanks

    Mario, could I pay for a Radiant Alpha and when you have it done you send it to me? I`ve no rush about it, and no problem to pay it now. I also would like a "Small IR Filter". I`m from argentine, shipping may cost about $ 15.00 - 25.00. When could you have some units ready to sell ? Thanks for your time, Ramiro.
    Hello, about this, is it really 0.6mRAD? I've seen most that do 1mRAD min.. and about power.. there are more powerful ones? Thanks!
    Hello, i sent you a pm. if you could reply to it as soon as possible, that would be great.

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