john_lawson said:
Anyone Else have problems with Wife about thier laser Addict

My girlfriend (started off as my room-mate

) hates everything I like. She hates lasers because they hurt her eyes. <--- Now before I continue, I need to make it very clear that I am as careful as possible around ALL persons/pets when I use my lasers. We just share a room so if I'm experimenting/building my lasers keeping all to myself in my little corner work bench and she comes barging in my room, she will say "Stop". I need to respect her requests for many reasons,

but I do it for safety reasons mainly. She hates everything I do that "excludes her". She hates it when I hang out with my friends, when I play x-box, even when I go to sleep early! These are things that not I but that she must deal with! She has MANY good qualities though and although she hates my hobbies, she never complains...Too much! ;D
But you see, although we do live together, we are not necessarily married. So I am somewhat free, especially toward what I choose to spend my money on. Your wife probably thinks you should be her "King", or "Night-in-Shiny-Armor", which includes sacrificing everything that makes you you... as a man...without her! She probably judges your habits/hobbies based on her logic (which is clouded from emotion - as females are). Although she is probably not willing to sacrifice her "needs" (hair, nails, shoes, clothes, bras, etc.) for you, she expects you to do so for her. We actually encourage them to do there thing as to give us a minute to ourselves! As men, we don't think in this manner because there are lots of cooler more interesting things we could be "wasting" our time on then tallying up stupid shit against their logic vs ours.
For those of you who share your hobby with your girlfriend/wife/significant other, don't expect it to last, it's too good to be true! ;D Or they're just faking it just to trap you FOREVER! LOL! Then once they have you, they will hate them! ;D