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  • you came back to us... then went MIA again.. we need you here.. sending you an invite to one of my social groups no need to be an owner of a JETLASERS laser to join it.
    I do GBs for them and also have some or their lasers and Li-Ion batteries in stock here in Houston..remember to subscribe to JOG while you are there-- helps yu know when sometihing new is going one--hak (Len)
    Welcome back your tutorials have always been good.
    We kept all you stuff just like you left it knowing you would return. been too long.
    Your name has come up every time a new 'what ever happend to.."thread has been started. lots of new stuff and all good too. The ltest is a green diode 510nm- someday to be affordable but now they go for 500usd. But for less than 100usd you can get a ~3W blue diode with a great single lens-- DTR is the only source ATM.
    He also has the new 638nm Mitsubs- the beam still needs some 'taming' but the 500mW makes 750 mW easy,

    oh yeah Techjunkie FINALLY got perma banned.. been kinda peaceful here since that happened.

    I will spare you my three year old questions until after you get settled in. I gave DTR a heads up and he will do you right.

    good to have you back---len
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    Hi Rog,
    I saw that you posted a link on a how-to for making a tunnel gun. But they took down the link.

    Have another one?
    Hi Rog,
    i'm wondering if you have any time for building another yellow laser.
    i have asked you in the past but you didn't.
    if you can make another one PM me.

    PS:i have all the parts needed,just waiting them to arrive from Flaminpyro.
    Thank you rog8811 for making the 7 color + white laser I just finished my first one and what a beautiful laser set up you have devised, my hat is off to you Sir ! :beer:
    thanks for your help rog. my dmm goes to 200ma only. but i put the red lead on the 10 amp setting. and my reading comes out to 2.81 or 28.1 depending on where the selector switch is. (i assume it is 281 ma) I think i found another problem too. my 2.2 ohm resistor was burning up. i think it is becaus it is a 1/2 watt. so i am gonna switch that out later. thanks for all your help. and sorry to bug!!!!!
    Hi Rog,

    Just acknowledging the build. A post would've been, "out of step", at this point. Nice to see the Spiro function added, and the three button control... Awesome!

    I was gonna PM you about a bit of kit that was on ebay but by the time I knew it was worth it, it had gone. Ex government research laser. I though it was a steal for £50! I would honestly be quite happy to run a truck over this thing! I'll post a few pics as and when.

    All the best,
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