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FrozenGate by Avery

Why o-like, rayfoss and many other Chinese sites are down

Yeah, I agree with MerryLaserGirl. Too much info is generalized and news made to fit old views. Most of China is nothing like North Korea, as we might think.

I know and have worked with many Chinese folks, and if it was that bad, they wouldn't eagerly look forward to going "home" for vacation, etc., freely travelling in and out of their homeland.

As noted, most companies we do business with are in or work via Hong Kong, and Hong Kong is certainly not cut off. That's a major economic center, the likes of Wall Street and London.

As for the western provinces, let's hope their government lifts the bans and opens up soon.

Looks like o-like's site is trying to come back. It's currently responding, but showing a default, unconfigured (and heavily branded) e-commerce package.

"Sales Message Goes Here" - "Products will be added soon. Check back later."

So maybe they did move hosting companies after this, and are working on reconfiguring the site.
I e-mailed Susie last night, in regards to her being down for so long
this is her response.
Dear rpaloalto

Firstly thanks for you and LPF guys careness . it doesn't matter Government issue ,our old server has something wrong , and then site is down suddenly , so we want take this chance to make a new stie and a new server. new site will release several days later

So all is good :)
I e-mailed Susie last night, in regards to her being down for so long
this is her response.
Dear rpaloalto

Firstly thanks for you and LPF guys careness . it doesn't matter Government issue ,our old server has something wrong , and then site is down suddenly , so we want take this chance to make a new stie and a new server. new site will release several days later

So all is good :)

This is great!!! I honestly hated how their site was setup :)
as a one of millions of young persons well educated in China. i have to say. you don't know China though you guys think you do. i don't like talking politics, but a lot of countries has single-side communication system. do you know why so many overseas students protest CNN. because they really didn't tell the truth. do you really think they are brained washed by lies and propaganda? no, kids grown up since 1980s eat McDonld and KFC, drink pop, cola, play warcraft, read english magazines, interested in internet like you. the logic in many people's mind is China is a communist country, then all about it is wrong. do you know no country can escape globalization and market economy. Chinese people not live in depth of misery, in fact they are creating new prosperity for themselves and for the world. in 1970s, China was the poorest and most troubled nation in the world, now it is completely different during the 30 yrs. i can say the laser you have, over 90% are from China. it has been creating wonders i think. communist is just a name. what they are doing is developing, raising living standard, making money, enjoying life:yh:
come to China and have a look by yourself, you may find a lot different from your expectations:yh:
Merry the Laser Girl:):angel:

Personally I had a great time in Beijing and must agree with you, the city looked and felt like any other metropolis i've lived in or visited...it was surprisingly clean. The people and police were very friendly.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind living in the city or your country. From what I have seen capitalism is in full force and life there is no different than in any other multi-million metropolis.

Though some aspects of internet censorship etc. do bug me.
as a one of millions of young persons well educated in China. i have to say. you don't know China though you guys think you do. i don't like talking politics, but a lot of countries has single-side communication system.

Merry - I think we all have to recognize that there are governments, and then there are people - and they really aren't all one in the same.

During the cold war, US people were taught to fear the Russian people, and the Russian people were taught to fear the US people, with characatures, propaganda, etc.

Folks from other countries criticise the US as well - and the answer I have for them is, "It's more complicated than that..." - just like I'm sure the situation in China isn't exactly what it seems from over here.

Look at Shenzhen and how much it's developed. China isn't backwards anymore - as far as the people and their everyday lives, for the most part. It's also a huge, huge country though. There's so much variation.
During the cold war, US people were taught to fear the Russian people, and the Russian people were taught to fear the US people, with characatures, propaganda, etc.

If it only was the Russian people, or if it had been only during the cold war... xD
Hey guys, I can see o-like site on-line, and looks to me that they will be right back on in no time!

There are more things to add to the site, but it is mainly functional.
If it only was the Russian people, or if it had been only during the cold war... xD

Hahaha! A rather biting remark, Albert. But lets not turn this into a flame war.

It's a good thing we all have internet now. I stopped watching TV 7 years ago and never looked back. It's possible for a government to have a hard grip on TV and newspapers, but not internet. It's heavily monitored, yes, but mostly free.
So we can now learn more of each other and make fear disappear, as it always happens when you gain knowledge. Going to another country and living in it for a few months is even better -- it's a life changing experience!
Thank You Merrylasergirl for your keen insight on China !
Have a good day !

as a one of millions of young persons well educated in China. i have to say. you don't know China though you guys think you do. i don't like talking politics, but a lot of countries has single-side communication system. do you know why so many overseas students protest CNN. because they really didn't tell the truth. do you really think they are brained washed by lies and propaganda? no, kids grown up since 1980s eat McDonld and KFC, drink pop, cola, play warcraft, read english magazines, interested in internet like you. the logic in many people's mind is China is a communist country, then all about it is wrong. do you know no country can escape globalization and market economy. Chinese people not live in depth of misery, in fact they are creating new prosperity for themselves and for the world. in 1970s, China was the poorest and most troubled nation in the world, now it is completely different during the 30 yrs. i can say the laser you have, over 90% are from China. it has been creating wonders i think. communist is just a name. what they are doing is developing, raising living standard, making money, enjoying life:yh:
come to China and have a look by yourself, you may find a lot different from your expectations:yh:
Merry the Laser Girl:):angel:
An important thing to remember is "freedom" might (and probably does) mean something completely different to a Native NY/NY resident then it does to a native Montana, Alaska or Kentucky resident, and that's just in the USA. I take for granted that I can own a room full of firearms, drive a 300hp sports car, complain about those in power and make drawings and jokes mocking them and not give up 2/3rd of my income in taxes (though that might change soon enough).

A UK resident might think I'm crazy and consider "freedom" to be "free"ish healthcare a mandatory part of his definition of freedom and be willing to put up with the faults the UK has (high taxes, high petrol prices, draconian gun and privacy laws, much smaller homes, less room, etc).

Along those same lines a Chinese resident (especially an older one who has seen it years ago) might consider their current condition great and embrace it as "freedom", but I suspect a born a breed Alaska/Montana/KY type of person would balk and gag at calling it freedom.

It's all in the definition. :D

Another good way to put it in perspective is to imagine the US government flooding the Grand Canyon to the point its not even a canyon anymore to dam it up (IE, Yang Zee(SP?) river). Imagine it happening without a real vote. Imagine how long those politicians would keep their jobs even if they managed to pull it off?? In China they decide its going to happen and that's what happens. Central planning at its best :)

Now, I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the Chinese dam project (it will help a large number of people for sure) I'm just trying to put it in perspective.
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An important thing to remember is "freedom" might (and probably does) mean something completely different to a Native NY/NY resident then it does to a native Montana, Alaska or Kentucky resident, and that's just in the USA. I take for granted that I can own a room full of firearms, drive a 300hp sports car, complain about those in power and make drawings and jokes mocking them and not give up 2/3rd of my income in taxes (though that might change soon enough).

A UK resident might think I'm crazy and consider "freedom" to be "free"ish healthcare a mandatory part of his definition of freedom and be willing to put up with the faults the UK has (high taxes, high petrol prices, draconian gun and privacy laws, much smaller homes, less room, etc).

Along those same lines a Chinese resident (especially an older one who has seen it years ago) might consider their current condition great and embrace it as "freedom", but I suspect a born a breed Alaska/Montana/KY type of person would balk and gag at calling it freedom.

It's all in the definition. :D

Another good way to put it in perspective is to imagine the US government flooding the Grand Canyon to the point its not even a canyon anymore to dam it up (IE, Yang Zee(SP?) river). Imagine it happening without a real vote. Imagine how long those politicians would keep their jobs even if they managed to pull it off?? In China they decide its going to happen and that's what happens. Central planning at its best :)

Now, I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the Chinese dam project (it will help a large number of people for sure) I'm just trying to put it in perspective.

Very true indeed! Excellent points.
Hmm... gun laws should be draconian IMO :) Aside from that, good point!

Not sure why you think that, but I'm sorry you do. The three states closest to me all freely allow people to legally conceal firearms on themselves and crime has been going down every year.

You can't legislate stupidity and malice out of people, so your better off protecting yourself from those people.

I could say laws on lasers should be more stringent because I can order a 200mW laser for 50$ and blind people like crazy (or an IR one would be even worse), but again, you can't legislate away stupidity, all you can do is remove the rights of people who have common sense to stop the .05% of people who do idiotic things.

It's like saying DUI's are a reason to ban liqueur, cancer is a reason to ban cigs. most people won't drink and drive around like an idiot (I for one have never driven within 4+ hours of drinking even a small amount, but I rarely drink anyway) and smoking is just stupid, but who am I to tell you what to do with your own body?

Training and education are far more useful then banning things. especially things that you can use to protect yourself from violence.
