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  • Thanks on your kind words on my collection. I have had the laser bug since I was very young. 200mW is a good #, but you have be careful those are very high power.

    I will see ya around some time and remember any questions on things don't hesitate to PM me. jander6442
    hi jander6442,

    thanks! I started just a few months ago, so I only have a new style 200mW red and 200mW green module from o-like in a rayfoss host (the exact same you use for your very clean PHR build!). But the green one is not really functional, as I ruined the lens and am waiting for a cheaper module to arrive to harvest the lens part from it. I'm also waiting for 200mW laser-king from laserlands. 200 is like a magic number LOL I don't want to go any lower and unwilling to pay for something higher :)

    Your collection is very impressive! I don't think I will ever go that far.
    hey there vitalyx... welcome to the forum. I was wondering what kinda lasers do you have? I have a nice little collection that if you want to see look on my profile page.
    I welcome you to it... there have been some recent additions though. I hope to get a better camera real soon. Have a good day. jander6442
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