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What gaming system do you prefer?

What Modern gaming system is best?

  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 13 18.8%
  • PS3

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • Wii

    Votes: 4 5.8%
  • PC

    Votes: 39 56.5%
  • Mac

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Linux

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
Jan 23, 2009
What modern gaming system do you prefer and why?

Please no flame wars
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I don't really game. On a very rare occasion when I do, I just use my PC. And it's obvious why LOL

But I used to game a lot in my teens and did that on PC too. Consoles and macs aren't that popular in Russia and Linux aren't that popular anywhere, especially among gamers.
PC is the way to go if you like real gaming.

I'm not much of a gamer, but I like a system I can use for other things including video processing.

I've got an 8 core 3.2 ghz Mac Pro with 20gb of RAM and 5 TB of HD storage, 2 - 24" monitors, 2 superdrives and a Geforce 8800GT card.

It is VERY fast and clean and very stable, no viruses ever and it never crashes. (I sound like a commercial, sorry!)
My geekbench scores are 12,800 plus.

THis way I need only one machine. I have never and probably will never purchase a console or dedicated gaming system, I can't justify it to myself and would consider it a waste of money, only because I would not use it enough or buy the games.

ALthough the games are more limited, most of the ones I want I get easily get. Plus I've got an Apple store about 1/4 mile from my house.

I'm not a 3D shooter person and I don't like violent games, I love Blizzard games like Warcraft and Starcraft (awesome), also more of the classic arcade style games and their knockoffs like Pengo, Centipede, Digdug, etc. and a couple others like the Pirates series from Sid Meyers.

I started with a teletype in 1978 and moved up to an Apple IIe in 1983 with thousands of games for that. Since then, I've found most modern games are knock-offs of old ones or they are very poorly done and have limited appeal to me.
I will admit They often do have very slick graphics though.

Thus the Mac.

You may not agree, but I'm happy with it.
I voted PC, Since I can run my z-80 emulator.

I'm stuck in the 80's when it comes to games.
I was very into PC gaming but I just got tired of all the cheaters. Too many people who cant play for beans, so they resolve to cheating, just pisses me off. All my friends have a PS3 so we squad up and have a good time. I had a 360 but all the little 12 year olds playing on that system just get annoying hearing them cry, game after game after game. The wii is pretty much garbage unless you have some friends over and are drinking, heavily. lol The game 'World of Goo' is good and addicting but thats about it for the wii. I love my PS3 it has good games and its a BR player also.

BTW: cheaters are everywhere just a lot less on cosoles compared to PCs. I like playing shooters weather 1st or 3rd person(I prefer 1st) and racing games. Also HAWX is another sweet game.

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I'm not much of a gamer, but I like a system I can use for other things including video processing.

I've got an 8 core 3.2 ghz Mac Pro with 20gb of RAM and 5 TB of HD storage, 2 - 24" monitors, 2 superdrives and a Geforce 8800GT card.

It is VERY fast and clean and very stable, no viruses ever and it never crashes. (I sound like a commercial, sorry!)
My geekbench scores are 12,800 plus.

THis way I need only one machine. I have never and probably will never purchase a console or dedicated gaming system, I can't justify it to myself and would consider it a waste of money, only because I would not use it enough or buy the games.

ALthough the games are more limited, most of the ones I want I get easily get. Plus I've got an Apple store about 1/4 mile from my house.

I'm not a 3D shooter person and I don't like violent games, I love Blizzard games like Warcraft and Starcraft (awesome), also more of the classic arcade style games and their knockoffs like Pengo, Centipede, Digdug, etc. and a couple others like the Pirates series from Sid Meyers.

I started with a teletype in 1978 and moved up to an Apple IIe in 1983 with thousands of games for that. Since then, I've found most modern games are knock-offs of old ones or they are very poorly done and have limited appeal to me.
I will admit They often do have very slick graphics though.

Thus the Mac.

You may not agree, but I'm happy with it.

Lol. Why do you need 20Gb of Ram??

Your computer sounds amazing:bowdown:
At a guess, he does photo editing or media work. I run an i7 overclocked, will soon be hitting 4ghz+ with 8 cores (currently at about 3.8 stable), along with 6gb of high-speed ram and a 4890 card. In terms of gaming performance, mine would probably win out, but in terms of video editing, his machine eats mine for breakfast...

I have an xbox and wii along with a PS2, had a PS3 until the drive died a few days ago. Of the consoles, I liked the PS3 most followed by the xbox (wii isn't my thing) - but I make most use of my PC.
I already have a PS2, Wii, N64 and of course my PC. For gaming I would choose the PC; it's easily upgradeable and saves you from the hassle of having a separate gaming system. Although if I did have to choose a gaming console I would choose the PS3 definitely.
Lol. Why do you need 20Gb of Ram??

Your computer sounds amazing:bowdown:

That's what you get when you spend more than 10 grand on a MAC....LOL

Amazing specs....sounds to good to be true, but I believe you. :)
