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FrozenGate by Avery

What are the best science fiction movies?

I would have to say my absolute favorite is... Star Trek: Nemesis! Action packed as well as a great finish to one of the characters ;)

Release date: December 13, 2002
Director: Stuart Baird
Paramount Pictures


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I don't understand something. Only 13 members of the Forum contributed to this thread. I would have thought that considering that the majority of the members of the Forum have a scientific bent and kind of llive in sci fi, that more members would have contributed to this thread. When I decided about a year ago to take on projects to promote my grandfather's legacy, I had no idea how difficult that would be until met with the guy who is trying to create a Museum of Science Fiction here in Washington, DC.

When I began following his blog I began to realize that he had no idea who Hugo Gernsback was. Having a disdain for social media and dreading the though of having to start both a Facebook and Twitter accounts for the projects, I left the task to challenging him to my companion of over thirty five years, one Bogie B. Bogarté who does have a Facebook page knowing that she would do a great job skewering him. (For details of her infamous exploits, search Facebook for Bogie B. Bogarté, click About, then Details about You.) Bogie B. Bogarte

To make a long story short, she managed to show publicly that he had no idea who the Father of Science Fiction was. I eventually met with him to discuss helping him raise money for the Museam since I have to raise money for my projects as well. I asked him if he would consider naming the Museum the Gernsback Museum of Science Fiction. He declined. One would have thought that having a grandson of Gernsback working with him would have been to his advantage. He did not accept my offer to help n any way with promoting the Museum!

There is some controversy about gernsback some saying that he did not pay some of his writers. One writer even called him "Hugo the rat." My research suggests that his writers were paid but not always on time and the issue of payment is complicated and lost to time. That said, considering the fact that there are fifty linear square feet of his publications held by the special collections of the Syracuse University Library reflecting the vast number of his publications, a lot of writers received exposure that they never would have received.

What people don't know is in addition to the Hugo Award he is known for other things as well; being an inventor, publisher, promoter of amateur radio and science in general, sear, friend/colleague of Tesla, Edison, Marconi, Sarnoff (founder of RCA/NBC,) DeForest, and Godard among many others. Had he not published Tesla's My Inventions, Tesla's autobiography in his magazine, The Electrical Experimenter, the world would know nothing of Tesla's early life and wold have no idea what Wardenclyff Tower looked like. Here is the picture by Frank R. Paul Gernsbak's artist and friend.


Frank R. Paul's art work is iconic and there will never be anyone like him again. Paul's ability to put to life my grandfather's imagination was quite remarkable. His images were burned into my memory as a child. If you are interested, a well known sci fic artist, Frank Wu has dedicated part of his website to Paul and you can view his art here: Artwork of Frank R. Paul

Now, if only I could get someone to help me build a laser host that looks like the Hugo Award rocket....or perhaps a unique laser/phaser....that would be most appreciated!
Thanks for the history lesson Andrew.

Everyone do yourself a favor and watch "Contact" and "Sunshine" and tell me what you think. Ive probably seen everything others have mentioned. Too many decent movies and books to mention.
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Thanks for the history lesson Andrew.

Everyone do yourself a favor and watch "Contact" and "Sunshine" ...

Contact would be my Number 4, I absolutely love that movie. I care not how man times Iv'e seen it, every time I'm channel hopping, and I come across it, it stays on.
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I was ashamed of myself after realizing I actually really enjoyed this movie. I was expecting to hate it but I didn't :/

Lol, perhaps I just lacked the capacity to appreciate certain parts.

The few that stand out to me are...

Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
- Not a fulfilling ending but I really liked how the aliens were depicted.

District 9
- Another one were the aliens were depicted in a unique way.

Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
- Not truly a Sci-Fi even though there are aliens. Revisiting this movie from my younger years give me a few good chuckles.
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Contact is one of my favorite (no surprise there for those who have been here awhile) but I also liked the drama What Dreams May Come, a spiritual fiction which I believe is based on information gathered from NDE stories, perhaps other sources.

Edit: I forgot to mention The Thirteenth Floor, here's the trailer which I think represents it the best:

Some may view this mans ideas as fiction (following link), but I believe is the way the world we live in is produced: https://youtu.be/jzafB6NKHis
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Two people have mentioned Logan's Run, I saw that movie in a theater in 1976 when it was first released, for many years I thought it was the best SciFi movie ever. Here is the original trailer from 1976:

Logans Run, And Dune are favorites of mine but Dune will be always #1 I have the VHS and DVD copies of it. I have the original theatrical release and the extended copy on dvd I think I even have a BETA copy around some were! The blue eyes were a trip. Sting the singer is in it. Great movie. B sci movies are a favorite of mine as well. Barberella, Space Pirates, Ice Pirates, Earth Girls are Easy with Jeff Goldbloom, One of the Wayan brothers, Jim Carey great movie. Im a avid sci fi book reader to.
another one of my favorite sci fi movies (space balls there goes the Planet!)]
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
- Not truly a Sci-Fi even though there are aliens. Revisiting this movie from my younger years give me a few good chuckles.

did you know they're making a sequel?

one time i'm in a random game of wold of tanks. there are three tiger tanks on my team driving in front of me. it made me think of that line from kung pow:

so I said in his voice on open comms, "tiger tiger tiger"

to my suprise someone else said, also in his voice, "birdy birdy birdy"

we both laughed pretty hard
I can usually watch the MIB movies over and over again, I liked parts of Pitch Black, and the mars movie with the lent military robot that jumped into attack mode was fun, Lunar, The Matrix series of course...It's hard to pick a favorite, I have probably overlooked the best. Chronicles of Riddick, heavy metal 1 and 2,.

I can tell you one I hated, that wars of the worlds remake with Tom Cruise and that little girl who would not stop screaming, I got sick of that real quick.

I read the book The Road and loved the book, the movie just could not do it justice, the book was great.
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