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  • I wish I could help you. I posted those when I was using photobox. Using imjur now, so I don’t know. Sorry, I know on imjur it’s the 500ish size, if that helps??
    Hello, they are a couple of dual diode builds I bought off of Rick Trent. He has his own YouTube channel where you can check the builds out.



    You adjust/align them with the four screws on each cube. They can be a little tricky to get them aligned but once you do they throw a beam that’s tough to beat. They are awesome burners also. Had Lifetime build me some adapters so they can fit a Sanwu BE unto them makes them even nicer.

    It’s a Newport 20x I bought of of eBay for I think 120.00 ish and a 10x no name I bought off of eBay for I think about the same. Once again had Lifetime build me some adopters so I could do some mix and matching which is always fun to do. Enjoy and stay safe. :)

    Ps, you might want to resize your pictures there taking up the whole page. Thanks for asking and take care.
    heya bro
    yes I have silver & black 10X JL BEs-on sale free ship for $99-free extra goodies w/ all orders....Len I get gmail w/ my forum name
    What I don't understand is why?
    After all, there are only so many diodes.
    Is it just the different hosts that you like?
    I am content to simply have a handful of different diodes.
    I have other hobbies so I need to spread the love, that is the money, around :-)
    Thanks Andrew, yea it's a pretty penny. I got to buying and next thing I knew was, I had a impressive collection. It's nice having so many because it's like there always a new one to play with. I swap them out quite a bit, play with this one than that one. Yes it's a JL Pistol Dazzler I use it when I'm hunting for big foot ( he doesn't stand a chance) :crackup:

    Glad you enjoyed the pics. :)
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