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FrozenGate by Avery

"V3tronix" Mech Mod / NDG700 Build


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Oct 14, 2012
"V3tronix" Telescoping Mech Mod Build

NDG700 520nm


Here's a little build thread for a laser that I've had for a while, it's based on a "V3tronix" telescoping mech mod (clone), coupled with a DTR 22mm 510 adapter, and using the beautiful NDG700 520nm diode.
This is pretty much a simple straightforward "plug n play" build, with the added wiring mods to the 22mm h.s./ module and an added battery extension.

This particular mech mod isn't my first choice for this build; I originally had picked out a beauty of a chrome plated, side button model that I modded to allow for the extra length required of the (2) 18350 batteries.
It turned out fantastic ....for about 4~5 power on cycles. The problem turned out to be that it used an electronic side switch which glowed, and flashed different colors to show the amount of battery charge.
The issue was that this mod was built to use only (1) Li-Ion cell at a maximum of 4.2V;
I was feeding it twice that amount, and I accidently let all the smoke out of it, and you all know that it's almost impossible to put it all back in. :whistle:
This is never a good thing, but this particular mod happened to come with a spare switch, so I can re-use it as a single cell powered unit.

Anyway, ....getting back to this build, I ended up using this model because of it being a telescoping mod, it will accomodate multiple battery lengths; this mod will work with 18500, 18650, and 18650 with an added "kick".
Not being a "vaper", I had never heard of a "kick" before, but a kick is an electronic module which sits atop of the battery to provide adjustable voltage for the mech mods.

This style of mod/host isn't my favorite, and it probably won't be some of you guys either, especially the minimalist host design folks, but it does the job, and it kind of grows on you. :)
It is a stainless steel mod with CNC engraved designs on it, and three holes (vents) where you can see the battery that is in it.
It also has a safety locking tailcap switch, where you need to push and rotate to unlock it, a nice feature.

Components Used For This Build:

  • V3tronix Mech. Mod.
  • NDG700 520nm diode/module w/G-2 Lens (DTR).
  • Modified 22mm 510 Adapter V-2 (DTR).
  • '510' Style Finned Heatsink.
  • Battery Extension.
  • AW 18350 IMR 700mAh Batteries (2).

Dimensions & Weight:

  • Length (as set-up) = 175mm
  • Diameter = 25.6mm
  • Weight W/Batteries = 272g

Measured Power Output:

  • With G-2 Lens = 1,037mW (1,142mW Max.)

Photo Time!



Added finned S.S. heatsink, used mostly for aesthetic purposes.


V3tronix Mech Mod disassembled.

These next 4 photos show how I like to wire my DTR 22mm modules.
I'm not a real fan of the 'pinch' method of attaching my wires, although I've used it before; I just more confident with this type of connection.



Posing with some blurry flowers. :D

LPM test results.

Got to have a few BeamZ!!!





Last but not least, a couple of outdoor shots :beer:


Threading the beam between the pine branches.


Thanks for taking a look! :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

Now back to our regularly scheduled programing. :D
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Very nice build/tutorial Bowtie, sorry to hear about your board smoking. Still a beautifully built laser. Love your idea of what to do with the ground wire, would like to incorporate that in some of my builds. Can see that becoming the standard, it is so professional. Very nice! Great read and pictures. :gj: thanks for sharing. :)

Ps, I like this programming. :D
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Another pointer which is virtually reaching out to me and saying gimmie!
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Thanks Bob, I've made most of my mod builds this way. I think I've seen others do their (-) neg. wire similarly, but I haven't seen anyone drill and solder the (+) pos. lead into the center contact before.
When I attach the the neg. wire with the set screw, I will strip the wire extra long, tin it, and then fold it over so that I have a good solid attachment.

@Alaskan, I'm surprised that you can hear it calling to you from that far away! :crackup:
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Very nice bowtie , I sold my 700 know you make me want it back, such a powerful looking beam man, That turned out very nice I must say.
That's a good looking Laser... Almost
Steam Punk... :topic:

Well done on the Tut/Review write up.

Great work, beautiful. First class photography, I'm also interested in the camera make and model used.
Thanks Billy, you're right, both this and the NDG7475 make a good looking, strong beam. It looks like it's time to build another in one your cool custom hosts! :)

@lasersbee, that is exactly what I was thinking, as a matter of fact, when I was writing this thread, I was going to mention the Steam Punk look but forgot to include it.
I could probably market this to the Steam Punk crowd as a "Steam Punk Light Saber" and they'd snatch it up in a heartbeat ...but then they would just go and blind themselves with it. :eek:

@Alaskan, these pics and most of the others that I've taken for the last year or so, have been taken with my Samsung S7 phone camera. As far as phone cameras, the S7 has received good reviews as one of the best available, although I hear that the new S8 is better, just how much, I don't know.

These here in this thread are the first that I've taken and sent directly to imgur rather than Photobucket. Although imgur is a much better service (at least for now), I feel that Photobucket has better editing capabilities for fine tuning your photos.
Another pointer which is virtually reaching out to me and saying gimmie!

Seeing these 520nm builds is really making me want to make one myself, Ped's was pretty nice too!!

Looking good Jeff nice read, and great building tactics as always. :beer:
Hi dden, for the photos only, I used a neodymium magnet placed between the battery and switch, so that when it was screwed closed, it made contact.

@ElectricPlasma, Thanks EP, I'm surprised that you don't have a 520nm or two in your collection; definitely time to get building. ;)
That is just exceptional, Jeff. I love everything about it. It is just gorgeous. Thanks for showing it off here.
Absolutely beautiful!!! :drool:

A custom 510 heatsink to match would be sweet too:D
That is just exceptional, Jeff. I love everything about it. It is just gorgeous. Thanks for showing it off here.

I agree Paul, it's just beautiful !!
Well done Jeff and I love the photos too, as others have said.

Man, those Samsung phones are great for beam shots.
DTR uses one as well.
It must be the Sony sensor in them.
Now I want a Samsung too.

The 520nm @ 1W looks awesome.
I prefer the method you use rather than the pinch method, I'm so paranoid that a tiny strand will ground the pin somehow.
I dab a bit of liquid 'rubber' on the inside tip to avoid that but your's is better.
I've got a 520nm 1W module from Jordan in a 22mm 510 adaptor and it lights up the whole house, LOL.
And if you're not careful, it'll burn it down.
Nice....very, very nice....yes...Steampunk....cryptic....Alien symbols !!!

The 700 is a great LD....So far....All the High Power Multi LD's @ 520nm....have the tightest raw divergence !!!

Perfect marriage....Unique Host, Solid build techniques....and the 700 LD !! Keep'em coming !!!

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Thank you guys for all your support and kind words! :yh:

@Paul1598419, glad you like it, comments like yours makes building these as much or more fun than actually using them (I didn't say that out loud did I).

@Lildutchboy, I agree, I think this would also look good with a custom heatsink on it!

@RB astro, thanks Andrew! Yeah, I think the Samsung phones do about the best job, of all the current phone cameras out there.
Agreed, that 1+ Watt of 520 is very bright. I've also got it's bigger brother, the NDG7475 in a Ehgemus host that's about the same size as these mech mods, it's a monster too.
In all reality, both these diodes could stand to be in larger hosts for better run times, but hell, I think they look pretty good in these mods. ;)

@CDBEAM777, Glad you like it. Yes, this is my new Steam punk lightsaber, handed down to me from those beings from a far away world; I am able to slay anything with this majestic wand! :D
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