Sorry to hear about the loss and all the hassle. I hope that you get reestablished soon despite the insurance issue. When I was younger, I also liked firearms and owned several rifles, shotguns and handguns. I never believed in gun cabinets or trigger locks as these things can be drilled, pried or smashed by the thugs. What I did was remove the cylinder from revolvers, remove the clip and slide from automatics, remove the bolt and trigger group from my mini-14 and so on. These removed critical parts were stored hidden separately from the guns. Sure enough, while I was away on business, my home was broken into. I lost stereo, CD's, boom box, loose change, etc. They left the freezer open and my food rotted. Typical punk stuff. They broke the gun cabinet open. They went through the incomplete guns, and threw them all on the floor in a pile. I'm glad that I stored my guns with parts missing. The investigating officers were also glad that no guns made it onto the street that day. Insurance sucked, took over a year for them to pay out. Did you notice anyone watching as you moved boxes in? Odds are that either the punks themselves or a close friend of theirs live within 6 houses of you, saw you move stuff in Tuesday night and leave, and then decided to go help themselves.