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The " Sky Blue Ramjet" build

Was... Was that a typo? Shirley you mean 0.65 mRad, not 0.065 mRad. No? Good luck on the purple pHaze man.

Yea.... that was a typo !! Even I cannot achieve .065mRad Hahaha !! I have already plunged back into completion of the Purple pHaze. I must say....the purple / magenta beam is a killer color too !!

If anyone is interested in a single LD module HSOP unit...PM me !!!! Thanx....Beam Out


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Well, until now my Gods were DTR, Sinner and MrCrouse. But I think that in the Olympus there is the place for another God .. YOU !!!

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As a side note, the Cyan Cannon project will now employ the Ramjet build protocol ( RBP ). And....will mix the
NUBM07E 470nm with the NDG 700 520nm LD.....Now...That will be a color we have not seen B4 ! SOooo many projects....I got'em stacked up for years.

Aha, you too. I did that last night testing my 07E and 520nm NDG7475T through a combing cube and was amazed at the result, a light blue tinted white! So white I see no reason to add red.

I didn't take pictures last night, but just took some daylight photo comparisons of the beam spot with and without green:


The 2nd photo down shows the output of my 07E 470nm laser without green being added, the 3rd photo shows both 1.4 watts of 520nm combined with about 4 watts of 470nm from the 07E.

At night the combined colors really look a lot more white than in the day time. The intensity of the combined spots washes out the center of the beam to appear to be white in both comparison photographs (and my eyes when viewing it too), look at the color of the light on the wall around the spot to see the real colors. To see an even more marked difference, look at the light thrown on the wall right under the window, the coffee maker is shadowing part of it, so you can see what the light is actually doing, amazing to me how white it appears without red being added to it. First one to get a beam shot at night with the two diodes combined with the 520nm green producing at least 1 watt, the 07E blue at least 2.5 watts in a finished pointer or labby gets a 20 dollar prize from me. I'm going to have a host built to combine these diodes, but it may be awhile. If I had the skills and a mill, my wife would be very unhappy with the absence of her husband!
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Well, until now my Gods were DTR, Sinner and MrCrouse. But I think that in the Olympus there is the place for another God .. YOU !!!


Thanx....But...see the pic !!!:crackup::crackup::crackup:

Also...See the NUBM07E night beam shot... a Sky Blue needle...heading outward !!


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Hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaahhggnnngggg that beam shot makes me have to move my bookbag to in front of my pants. "I'm 12 and what is this"
I want to see his combined NDG700 and NUBM07E combined beam shot, unless that is what this is?
I want to see his combined NDG700 and NUBM07E combined beam shot, unless that is what this is?

Well....I have not yet combined the NDG700 with the NUBM07E....but...I will...using the SBR build design...OK...See the drawing attached...but...I am hopeful this combination will deliver a great color.

Your attached pic is very promising and shows the combined beams.... a good shot of the far field spot....and I am curious what the beam shot alone looks like.

This Blue/Green build is just now in the deign stage. You know my method....and it is S L O W....but eventual !! and I must yet complete the Purple pHaze unit....then on to the Cyan Cannon.

Stand by for more Fun with Optics !!


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Such great work and I'm glad you guys popped up to comment too;) I really want to try and come up with the $ for the NUBM07E but it's not easy at a couple hundred. Need to sell some units but there's so many already listed and I don't feel good stepping on others toes with lower prices. I can sell some 510 based mod hosts though if anyone is interested but I'm not going to sell the actual few 510 complete modules I have.
Have a lot of 532nm custom units (over and under 100mW)and focusable 405 and 650nm but I won't sell them in that thread when Vortish is trying to make some $ so if anyone is interested let me know as I have a lot of stuff. Just contact me in a PM if anyone is interested.
Now back to CD's regularly scheduled program:)
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Such great work and I'm glad you guys popped up to comment too;) I really want to try and come up with the $ for the NUBM07E but it's not easy at a couple hundred. Need to sell some units but there's so many already listed and I don't feel good stepping on others toes with lower prices. I can sell some 510 based mod hosts though if anyone is interested but I'm not going to sell the actual few 510 complete modules I have.
Have a lot of 532nm custom units (over and under 100mW)and focusable 405 and 650nm but I won't sell them in that thread when Vortish is trying to make some $ so if anyone is interested let me know as I have a lot of stuff. Just contact me in a PM if anyone is interested.
Now back to CD's regularly scheduled program:)

Yes....the 470nm line is a beauty !!....No....generating funds for this hobby is not easy....but...ya know....when the day comes...when one finally has all the bits to start the build...well...it is a real thrill !!! Typically....4 me...the time taken to save up is spent on the design work. And....some build's do get really stretched out :whistle::whistle::whistle:

But then...I hope many enjoy the Bolero like build up !! Not only are funds an issue that slows things down....Finding the time to do the build is not easy either.

Anyway...Thanx for the words of encouragement !!! Back to the Purple pHaze build....see the attached pic....again...the beam looks unreal....but I assure you....it is this color !!:pop:


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I REPPED you on post #35 Alaskan;)
Between you and CD those are some funky colors:) What were you guys doing in the 70's lol
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I REPPED you on post #35 Alaskan;)
Between you and CD those are some funky colors:) What were you guys doing in the 70's lol

Hahaha.....MMMMmmm ??? Well....a little story about that time....even earlier !!
In 1967....I was in Haight Ashbury /San Francisco.....1967....WOW.....48 years ago !!! YIKES !! But....I was not a " Hippie " Oh no....!!!

I was with my family on a Big-Out-West vacation..... hahaha....families used to do that !!! And of course...at that time...Fisherman's Warf and Haight Ashbury were a must see for a Midwest family !!

So....We are all walk'in around Haight Ashbury...look'in bug-eyed at all the Hippie's and Flower Children...WOW !! So ... I manage to break away for a few minutes...and of course....what would a bug-eyed Midwestern teen do....well of course....buy an authentic set of " Love Beads"....from and authentic Hippie !!!!..." Far Out Man !!! "

Well...I did the deed....and got way with it...right under P & M's nose Hahaha...I was slick....or so I thought !! I put the treasure into the bag of other tourist goodies....and away we went !!!

BUT......Think about it !! One must remember....the USA Freeway system was just being built back then....so secondary roads were the only way to travel. Now....also think about the time...Air conditioners were a real luxury in cars....and our ole Buick did not have one....

So....the stage is set !! We are headed for Las Vegas...across Death Valley...early August...My treasure packed deeply in the Buick's trunk....Gotta be 104 F out...Hotter'n Hell !!

Well....something started to smell in the car....and smell more....and then really stink...Like....some exotic bean/nut// musty and wild off the wall smell...You quessed it....it was the Stinkin love beads....just cook'in away in the Buick's hot trunk !!! Stink'in to High Heaven !!!!

Needless to say..My treasure was outed !!! P & M were NOT amused !! SOoooo....the point is....yes....I was influenced by the 60's and 70's era....and have never been the same since !!! And....normally....one is never as slick....as one thinks they are !!! :angel::angel::angel:
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Just discovered this thread. Also just bought a NUBM07E diode with 3.5A SXD Driver form DTR. All I want to do now, is make a dot from a line from this gorgeous diode. This is the only thread I've found that discusses the same diode I have and what I want to do, however I am using the 510 Module he sells which I love, and would love to figure out how too correct this beam keeping the 510 module, gotta have that tight SPOT !

Does anyone have some suggestions on where and what to buy to narrow the beam from a line to a dot even just a bit ? I'm very new to the laser world and have been scowering the web for information on how to do this with what I have.
Just discovered this thread. Also just bought a NUBM07E diode with 3.5A SXD Driver form DTR. All I want to do now, is make a dot from a line from this gorgeous diode. This is the only thread I've found that discusses the same diode I have and what I want to do, however I am using the 510 Module he sells which I love, and would love to figure out how too correct this beam keeping the 510 module, gotta have that tight SPOT !

Does anyone have some suggestions on where and what to buy to narrow the beam from a line to a dot even just a bit ? I'm very new to the laser world and have been scowering the web for information on how to do this with what I have.

PM me....I have an idea how u can have both... CDBEAM777
