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Should DeiselMarine be banned?

Ban DeiselMarine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 40.9%
  • No ... but try to withhold threats

    Votes: 26 59.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Aug 31, 2009
I had just received a death threat from DeiselMarine.

"dead man walking
who the fuck asked for your two cents ill put one in your head bitch you think your tough over the internet come see me in person you aint even worth my time dick "

Here is the thread where I posted a comment on.

He insults various members and uses foul language. He just comes off as a macho show off and feels he can use his position in the army to be a total ass.
Its up to you guys to decide of course. And if he wants to attempt to kill me I welcome him to try ... that would look good on his record as a US solder.

Death threats over the internet can land a person in jail.

The measured credibility of the threat is one of the criteria. Are they able to make good on the threat and do they have the means to carry it out.

Based on what we know about DeiselMarine, he has both.

I would think that he should have more to worry about than being banned from the forum.

Death threats over the internet can land a person in jail.

The measured credibility of the threat is one of the criteria. Are they able to make good on the threat and do they have the means to carry it out.

Based on what we know about DeiselMarine, he has both.

I would think that he should have more to worry about than being banned from the forum.


I just added a poll... I forgot to do it earlier. First time you know
Thanks Dave
Death threats over the internet can land a person in jail.

The measured credibility of the threat is one of the criteria. Are they able to make good on the threat and do they have the means to carry it out.

Based on what we know about DeiselMarine, he has both.

I would think that he should have more to worry about than being banned from the forum.




<trollin trollin trollin/>
not getting involved in this one.. only cause it was provoked.

reminds me of this


just let it go... if he continues to be a jerk.. I'm sure it will come to someone elses attention, and at that point he will be gone!

I know death threats are a serious thing, so if you really think he was being genuine, you should not consult the forum.. just c0ld.. as it says in c0lds post... some issues do not have to/need to be told to the forum members and i feel you should consider action, if you feel this is nessasry!

Well I didn't create this post solely because he threatened me... he acts like Arenared... not saying he is
Granted, he should know better and have better self control... But he is a marine acting/talking how marines do. Give the guy a break, he's still adjusting to being home from Iraq. Basically, don't be such a crybaby.
For now I do not think this should lead to a ban.. if you are very worried about this threat, contact c0ld directly, and should the threats continue, it is possible to contact the police about it.
Dave's post was very correct on this matter.. a lot of people think that they can say what they want on the internet - that somehow their identity is safe and that their actions and words do not have consequences beyond the internet. This is wrong. The only reasons they tend to get away with it are:
1) They are kids.
2) They would not be able to carry out the threat (read: talking out of ass).
3) The threatened person carries the same idea of the internet and does not think he/she has a case.

Of course, 1 and 2 cannot be applied here, so this is quite serious.

For now I think it should lead to a strict warning about such threats being taken very seriously.. and then he should stop.
If he does not stop, I agree with banning. If he does, let's just forget it.. the guy has just come home from Iraq and is probably used to speaking that way, even when he does not mean it. At one time me and my friends had a period where a long story plus several jokes lead to us jokingly giving each other rather mean names, but everyone in the group was in on it.. it was basically "wh*re", "sk*nk", "b*tch" and so on (forgive me for having to write this as an example), but said using old, funny sounding Danish words. Whenever an outsider heard us talking or looked at our facebook conversations, they would write private messages asking if I needed help and what was wrong between me and those guys. To us it was a stupid little joke, to everyone else it looked like we were sworn enemies.
I think you can draw a certain parallel between these two cases.. for now, let the guy adjust a bit and learn that it's not OK to write threatening and rude messages here.

Another point I would like to add - I cannot vote solely based on your OP. Only c0ld has direct access to your PM's, so only he can say that the quote you put here was from diesel, was quoted fully and was not altered in any way.

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I voted no, but saying that we should accept it because he is from the army is plain BULLSHIT. I'm fed up of that being an excuse for anything
I voted no, but saying that we should accept it because he is from the army is plain BULLSHIT. I'm fed up of that being an excuse for anything

Without having experienced it, true understanding is impossible. Being in theater changes a man (or woman). Combat brings to the fore, things in the human mind that are best left buried and controlled. You are gong to have to trust me on this one. If you have never experienced it, your brain is incapable of imagining what it is like. Stories and movies do not even come close.

My war was Vietnam. I fully understand the difficulty of coming home again. However, I also understand that the combat mindset is unacceptable here in "The World."

When you encounter a combat veteran, give him some space (and tolerance). If his actions are out of line, whenever possible, let the authorities deal with it. No one wins in a confrontation between a combat veteran and a civilian.

I do not agree that it is an "excuse" for any behavior. However, it could be a good reason for that behavior. He does not need to be chastised, coerced, forced, or made to understand. He needs help and (mostly) time to adjust.

The number of my brothers who are in jail, living on the street, and/or addicted to drugs and alcohol are clear testament to what the results of not being able to "come home" truly means.

With all my heart . . .

I don't believe that DM should be banned... members rattled his cage and
he responded in the way he was trained...

IMO... he just made a mistake with that questionable PM to CJ...
(CJ was rather insulting.....)

If we banned every member for the first time they made a mistake...
Crazy Jay wouldn't be posting this thread..:cool:

Perhaps this would be the place to see what DM thinks about all this...
and he can even Vote on the Poll....:yh:

@Dave... congrats on your 7K post....
It is true what they say.... you are a

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This is why we have polls about these things. :) People speak and discuss, votes are cast.. and in this case it seems he is given a second chance.

Thanks for all the positive support i am sorry and it won't happen again i got heated and lost my cool i wasnt serious about going after Crazyjay or any member of this forum i love this forum so my apologies to all that had to put up with my bullshit thanks for your understanding
semper fi
I'm getting pretty tired of these threads. Not the fact that they are created, but the fact that I've come to realize we really need at least one moderator to sort these things out without having a member create a thread every single time something like this happens.



EDIT: Voted No. Give serious warning, have him apologize, etc. etc. (^ apology up there :)!).
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I don't believe that DM should be banned... members rattled his cage and
he responded in the way he was trained...

IMO... he just made a mistake with that questionable PM to CJ...
(CJ was rather insulting.....)

If we banned every member for the first time they made a mistake...
Crazy Jay wouldn't be posting this thread..:cool:

Perhaps this would be the place to see what DM thinks about all this...
and he can even Vote on the Poll....:yh:

@Dave... congrats on your 7K post....
It is true what they say.... you are a

people that dont know right from wrong are commonly referred to as criminals b/c of bad choices they make in life. being in the military is no excuse for a death threat. if hes confusing being back home with like being in iraq or wherever then he needs to seek psychiatric help. i agree with rob that being in the military is no excuse..
