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FrozenGate by Avery

Seeking Advice from experinced Fourm sellers and buyers

Really? I was on the phone with Paypal tons of times back and forth when I questioned them: if I send the product with tracking + sig confirm. And buyer chargesback non-receipt, what will happen? They say, they will cover my loss if I provide proof of shipment (tracking for <$250, or tracking + sig confirm for >$250) Multiple representatives and even one "specialist" had the same answer. I'll try to give them another call tomorrow and see what they say again.

I would be very interested if you get a different answer cause I was getting really pissed with them. I felt it was their responsibility to verify any credit card that is attached to an account but they basically told me to go pound sand. In the end we won and I got the money back about a month and a half later after I had already written it off as a lost cause.:tinfoil:

Is that buttered or plain?

I like butter.:D
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If you don't want to be nice, that's fine. But all I'm saying is I would love if you guys are, I would listen better and would appreciate it lots! That's all bud. After all, we are a community :)

No hard feelings <3


<Vegas clap>

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Ryan, I think you are a good person and I would love to be a customer of yours in the future. One thing I think about related to the forums is that it is a very generous privilege that the forums are here for some of us to be able to make a little money here and there. They do not owe us anything nor do we have a "right" to sell anything here. The veterans on the forums, the admins, and the owner of the forum are extremely generous to let people buy and sell on here, and especially new members.

We need to respect everything they say, and it is not "mean" or "unfair" criticism since it is their forum and we must always respect their feelings since it is not "ours" but "theirs". Even if it comes across as blunt from some people, they are just defending something they have worked extremely hard to produce and maintain which is kept in a positive but delicate balance by thoughtful and mindful observance. (If that makes sense.)

I wish you all the best since I would love more Canadian sellers but the above is important to remember.:beer:
Ryan, I think you are a good person and I would love to be a customer of yours in the future. One thing I think about related to the forums is that it is a very generous privilege that the forums are here for some of us to be able to make a little money here and there. They do not owe us anything nor do we have a "right" to sell anything here. The veterans on the forums, the admins, and the owner of the forum are extremely generous to let people buy and sell on here, and especially new members.

We need to respect everything they say, and it is not "mean" or "unfair" criticism since it is their forum and we must always respect their feelings since it is not "ours" but "theirs". Even if it comes across as blunt from some people, they are just defending something they have worked extremely hard to produce and maintain which is kept in a positive but delicate balance by thoughtful and mindful observance. (If that makes sense.)

I wish you all the best since I would love more Canadian sellers but the above is important to remember.:beer:

Wow... thanks, man.

You know.. you're right. and tbh... I've always been thankful to most vets here. Especially those who have helped me... I have loads of respect for them.

But no one owes me anything you're right. I don't expect anything.

I will earn your trust my friends :)

Ryan, I think you are a good person and I would love to be a customer of yours in the future. One thing I think about related to the forums is that it is a very generous privilege that the forums are here for some of us to be able to make a little money here and there. They do not owe us anything nor do we have a "right" to sell anything here. The veterans on the forums, the admins, and the owner of the forum are extremely generous to let people buy and sell on here, and especially new members.

We need to respect everything they say, and it is not "mean" or "unfair" criticism since it is their forum and we must always respect their feelings since it is not "ours" but "theirs". Even if it comes across as blunt from some people, they are just defending something they have worked extremely hard to produce and maintain which is kept in a positive but delicate balance by thoughtful and mindful observance. (If that makes sense.)

I wish you all the best since I would love more Canadian sellers but the above is important to remember.:beer:

You sir, deserve a standing ovation for that beautifully crafted post. +1
I don't think anyone could have said it any better to Ryan then what you just did.
What just completely completely blew my mind was when you admitted it took you 3 tries on your first build, which was seriously in a post no more than a month from your 2.5W build and your pro laser FS thread where you stated you were a pro etc etc etc. I thought how on earth are people letting this member charge $375 for a freaking survival laser kit 445??? He must have used a 24k gold heatsink or else something is very wrong. When you have been here for a few years and gain the rankings of DTR, lazeerer, rhd, Dave, yob, MAYBE then you can Sell $400 lasers. Do not be greedy, do not use the forum to make $150 an hour per build. You haven't been here long, your not a pro you have not done this forever, your not hot stuff in the World of LPF and you don't own the place.

You tried (horribly ) to make fun of me and my job, like a little kid who wasn't getting his way so he tried (once again horribly) to be mean to make yourself happier.
You have forever lost my respect and any kindness there was to be had. You can count on me watching for any FS threads you make, and doing my part to protect LpF and it's buyers. And if you don't like that treatment, well... Tough
@Jake one thing you have to remember you have a real job! :beer:
Before you let things like that bother you, just consider the source where it's coming from.
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I almost pissed myself from laughing so hard when he pm'ed me that :crackup: it was like a two year old whose mom wouldn't buy them an ice cream cone!
Some people just don't have a clue.
I know 2 brothers that look like are from the movie Deliverance, they sold their farm and bought a vac truck for cleaning out septic tanks. One day I was with my boss and we were looking at a job site and happen to see the brothers and I asked them what they are doing now since they don't farm any more and their reply was "we suck shit!".
My boss and I about died laughing and still laugh about it years later. I remind myself that I could always have a worse job than what I do have.
yeah you're right. I was trolled pretty hard on that thread, but I shouldn't have made fun of you.

I apologized on my video response and I'm still sorry. Your job is perfectly fine man, I was just trying to get back at you. Like you said, $19 an hour is pretty good stuff ;) you're already ahead most people our age.

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Heavy thread....

Young'n the relationships you build with the vets and professional builders will likely be more important to your business than your customers at this point. Its obviously all word of mouth here and every thing is scrutinized in detail with little concern for the builders feelings. You received a plethora of good advice from some notable people here and you did get checked hard buy a respected member. I think your lucky and folks do you like you enough to give you this platform..
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Finally, regarding the request to "take it to PM's." I will never support closing off communication this way.

I remember being banned for 7 days for sharing this philosophy...

This whole thing is just the LPF mob mentality all over again. It happens with every person that tries to sell stuff here, Clif experienced it firsthand.
To be honest, I think it's more of sellers wanting to keep people from cutting into their profits more than it is about protecting the members. While I know that's not true for all, cutting the throat of potential competition is a factor for quite a few.

It was also mentioned earlier in this thread that some sellers can justify higher prices on their builds because they're exceptional builders. There is only so many things you can do to make a handheld good, and it's not going to get any better regardless of your skill level. So lets not let our heads get too big with our sweet laser building skillz.

To the other sellers:
Ryan hasn't scammed anyone yet (That i'm aware of)
and just because his price is higher than yours, doesn't make it unreasonable. I say this because If I were able to sell lasers, they would be a LOT cheaper than any of yours, and they would be just as good in quality.

Actually, Tech_Junkie will be receiving a free laser in the mail in the next day or two, So maybe he can chime in on the build. M140 @ 1.8A Aurora C6 complete with all accessories. It cost about $48 to make, that's including the $35 diode.

Oh, and RE's $375 laser can also be purchased HERE for $599.99

Just saying.....
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I remember being banned for 7 days for sharing this philosophy...

This whole thing is just the LPF mob mentality all over again. It happens with every person that tries to sell stuff here, Clif experienced it firsthand.
To be honest, I think it's more of sellers wanting to keep people from cutting into their profits more than it is about protecting the members. While I know that's not true for all, cutting the throat of potential competition is a factor for quite a few.

*IF* it were only other sellers that participated, I might agree.
However, it is NOT just other sellers and many sellers do not participate

It was also mentioned earlier in this thread that some sellers can justify higher prices on their builds because they're exceptional builders. There is only so many things you can do to make a handheld good, and it's not going to get any better regardless of your skill level. So lets not let our heads get too big with our sweet laser building skillz.

Absolutely! Building is neither rocket science nor difficult
For builds made from "standard", easy to buy components, I usually charge
The cost of parts and shipping, plus $40 for my labor
That is not even saying that $40 for the labor is "fair"
That is just the least I am willing to sit down to build a laser for

To the other sellers:
Ryan hasn't scammed anyone yet (That i'm aware of)
and just because his price is higher than yours, doesn't make it unreasonable. I say this because If I were able to sell lasers, they would be a LOT cheaper than any of yours, and they would be just as good in quality.

Actually, it is very valid to make judgements about the "reasonable" nature of the price of a build.
This judgement can easily be done by comparing the type of build to other builds of its type.
We do these kinds of judgements all the time.
When one buys a shirt, one does NOT find out the cost of the materials
and assembly of each shirt to decide if the shirt is worth the price.
One simply compares the quality of the different shirts available

He has the right to ask anything that he wants.
Members have the right to judge that asking price

I wish you could sell lasers too :(

Actually, Tech_Junkie will be receiving a free laser in the mail in the next day or two, So maybe he can chime in on the build. M140 @ 1.8A Aurora C6 complete with all accessories. It cost about $48 to make, that's including the $35 diode.

Oh, and RE's $375 laser can also be purchased HERE for $599.99

Just saying.....

That is one of the points that I made earlier.
If he wants to sell to Noobs and neophytes (at higher prices)
he should build a website and market it
Different markets have different requirements

Sellers here can and do get MUCH better prices for their stuff via websites, Craig's List, and eBay

Part of the problem here is that LPF *IS* a very tough market to both break into and in which to make a decent profit

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That is one of the points that I made earlier.
If he wants to sell to Noobs and neophytes (at higher prices)
he should build a website and market it
Different markets have different requirements

Sellers here can and do get MUCH better prices for their stuff via websites, Craig's List, and eBay

Part of the problem here is that LPF *IS* a very tough market to both break into and in which to make a decent profit


There are different markets on LPF. Initially, my target market were LPF's noobs/neophytes, but recently other hobbyists have expressed interest as well. My aim is not to rip people off with higher prices, but to have my best work sold at competitive prices.

Moh referenced SL's sale price of $599.99 to show the other side of the story: lately I've been taking heat for "overpriced" builds, but this is not true at all, especially with my recent price cuts.
