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FrozenGate by Avery

Scammer alert

@ Hakzaw, Thanks for ringing the HELP ROB BELL, Len. We've always been good pals, & I want ya to know that I appreciate it deeply.........rob

@ laserboystuart, Thanks for the Donation buddy. I sent you a PM regarding this.....rob

@sandidgepatrick, Thank you good buddy, but I am NOT gonna ask ANYONE for help. This has to come from YOUR HEART (&wallet lol), but I want you to know that I appreciate the offer, Thanks pal, .......rob

Jaycey, Thank you for YOUR donation also, I'm sure that my wife & I will be able to put it to good use, (like gas to go to the Dr. or food shopping). I really appreciate what you & ALL the Members who are contributing are doing for my family & I. This hits me right in the heart & soul guys. Thanks again, Jaycey. your pal..........rob
BTW FYI--if you want Rob to get the full amt you are sending- and you have the funds in yr PP acct- click 'personal' then 'payment owed' and PP sends it free from fees to both parties.
LEN, what can I say ?? Thanks for starting this & for YOUR donation too. Also, good tip on how to send fee free funds. Thanks for gettin' the ball rollin', I REALLY "preciate it. I'll be out of touch for a few hrs. now, gotta run some errands, but I WILL check my Email when I get home. My DEEPEST HEARTFELT THANKS TO YOU ALL............rob
I'll take 5% of that Credit Note... on one condition....

That YOU Rob... stop being so nice to LPF Noobs that want
stuff from you on credit...

Cash up front until you prove to me that you can be trusted is
my motto...

@ Hak.... either that or a guy with a Pitch Fork and Horns....:eg: :crackup:
IMHO the next time this punk will be in a suit, he will be asked---'How do you plead?' By a person in a black robe.

BTW... I just tried this and I was charged 1% for the Personal transaction...
It's still not much... at least Rob id not paying it...

BTW FYI--if you want Rob to get the full amt you are sending- and you have the funds in yr PP acct- click 'personal' then 'payment owed' and PP sends it free from fees to both parties.

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@ Wayne
@ Omnitech
@ Lasersbee
I've received donations from all 3 of you & I want to publicly thank all of you. Jerry I promise no more lasers on credit, just little stuff. When I checked my Email just now & found that 3 more donations had been given, I almost cried. ALL you guys have been wonderful to me from the 1st time I posted & these donations are a testament to what our "FAMILY" of laser enthusiasts can do when all work together. I now know how Kenom felt, & I'd be willing to bet that he almost cried too at his friends generosity. My heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed. YOUR friend.........rob

@ Lasersbee, OK Jerry, I got it. That jerk ruined things for a lot of people that I would normally try to help out, ya know ? I DO get your point though, CASH on the barrel-head, 1ST !!!!!
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@ Wayne
@ Omnitech
@ Lasersbee
I've received donations from all 3 of you & I want to publicly thank all of you. Jerry I promise no more lasers on credit, just little stuff. When I checked my Email just now & found that 3 more donations had been given, I almost cried. ALL you guys have been wonderful to me from the 1st time I posted & these donations are a testament to what our "FAMILY" of laser enthusiasts can do when all work together. I now know how Kenom felt, & I'd be willing to bet that he almost cried too at his friends generosity. My heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed. YOUR friend.........rob

Rob.... pay attention....

Cash up front until you prove to me that you can be trusted is
my motto...

That means all transactions... unless you ARE giving stuff away
for free...

BTW... you are more than welcome...;)

Rob.... pay attention....

Cash up front until you prove to me that you can be trusted is
my motto...

That means all transactions... unless you ARE giving stuff away
for free...

BTW... you are more than welcome...;)

Once a great man, always a great man.
All of you.

I am so glad to see such nice stuff happen, not only on the forum but anywhere for that matter.

Too few good people in the world, especially outside the forum.
BTW Rob, Omnitech is the name of my business ;) I sent one from the personal account, and one from the business account.

You are most welcome.
Rob.... pay attention....
Cash up front until you prove to me that you can be trusted is
my motto...

That means all transactions... unless you ARE giving stuff away
for free...
BTW... you are more than welcome...;)

Only trust others for an amount that you can afford to "lose."

Wow I am gone for a few days and I come back to a HUGE scam.... Rob, I am super sorry about this crap, I hope to make a donation soon :) Best wishes to you sir!
My 'payment owed' /'personal' was sent free- possibly because I had some $ in my PP acct??? either way as Jerry says --1% is no big deal.

Any new proof as to who else this scammer is or is not?? I doubt we have seen the last of him albeit we may not know it is him when he returns. He can just get all two of his best buds to sign up and come back via thier accts.

I kinda feel sorry for his folks. He appears to have everything a kid could want but that is apparently, not enough. sad
@ Daguin, Dave your generosity takes my breath away. Thank you for your VERY GENEROUS donation to this fund. Yours & all the other donations I've received will sure help things go a lot smoother, & bills paid a lot sooner. Thank you again. I don't know how I'll ever be able to make it up to you guys. What a fine group of friends I have here on this Forum................. rob
The problem with kids who have everything handed to them is they never learn how to appreciate EARNING it themselves.

My dad had a strict policy, do your chores and you will get fed, skip the chores and go to bed without dinner.

A lie earned one punch in the face, stealing earned some serious pain too, potty mouth ate soap.

After a while, we all learned the right way to live life.

Zero tolerance for liars, thieves and repeat usage of the "F bomb"

My first motorcycle was a basket case that needed a major overhaul, Dad made me do all the work, and earn all the parts. When I got done, I felt as I had accomplished a great thing.

Hard work nets rewards.

Kids today have lost sight of that, society is suffering for it.
