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FrozenGate by Avery

Scammer alert

The user name does not say banned under it yet? that's weird.

i think he was banned at the firewall level so he isn't even allowed access to the server reading our posts, idk if that's the case..... but what happens if he uses a proxy?

i think he was banned at the firewall level so he isn't even allowed access to the server reading our posts, idk if that's the case..... but what happens if he uses a proxy?

Or just takes his laptop to a nearby cyber shop or starbucks??

Hell if I wanted to I could just sign up for an AOL free trial and get in that way too.

Well thats good news:)

The public information that was reposted here, is not illegal or could even be considered a form of harassment. Their were no threats of violence or false accusations, or slanderous claims anywhere.

The benefit of us members coming together in a unfortunate event like this, has a plus. That is, it sends a message to other would be scammers, to think twice about pulling a fast one on LPF.
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I want to publicly state that I no longer have anything to do with this issue or the actions of the people who have posted in this thread, except for Rob himself.
I would advice anyone who does not want to be linked with the ridiculous things posted by some parties here to do the same, and we may continue this discussion in a more private setting without petty personal vendettas and threats being made.
Well since I don't know if we did anything wrong, or not I'd rather be safe than sorry. I want to publicaly state that I no longer have anything to do with this issue, or the actions of the people who have posted in this thread.
Just to be safe, I want to publicaly state that I no longer have anything to do with this issue, or the actions of the people who have posted in this thread.
OOOH GOSH i have a feelling that things have started to go down already... YEEEEAA!

therefore, I also want to publicly state that I no longer have anything to do with this issue, or the actions of the people who have posted in this thread.
@ oikos: You may want to consider that the ridiculous posts in question include your own.

@ photonaholic: :crackup:
Good to see you back friend.
To be realistic, there really isn't much one can do about this kind of scammer. Bringing the issue up with the "authorities" (postal service, etc.) probably won't result in much because it was an online transaction, with little or no paperwork, receipts, contracts, etc. It's just how it is. Online harassment would be unwise, unless somehow somehow completely anonymous and with unrelated people (4chan?). Not suggesting anything of course.

I've been scammed before in this laser business, with physical proof from the post office that Paypal just wouldn't accept (remember to ALWAYS use online delivery confirmation; paperwork from the Post Office itself won't count, insured or not). It's not a nice feeling at all. In the end though, the best thing for myself was to just count it as a loss and move on. I don't need any more stress related to things I can't change, nor any additional trouble from whatever retribution I try to obtain. It's hard enough to fall asleep with that kind of thing racing through your mind.

The best thing to come out of this was identifying the scammer as Arach so that no additional scamming/profit was attempted. Even though damage has been done, the snake has been removed from the garden. I'm glad there are watchful eyes in this forum.
calling ^^^ scammer a 'snake' is an insult to snakes.:tsk::crackup: They rarely pretend to be something they are not.(hog-nose snake is a notable exception) but the metaphor is no lost on me..:thanks:hk

ps I am in for a few $$ if anyone wants to start a 'fund' to allow the membership to give a little payback to Rob(call it instant good karma).. it would show that we take care of our own on many levels. hak
