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FrozenGate by Avery

Scammer alert

Send me the info and I'll make a call. Might cost some $$, but the situation will be remedied, guaranteed. You know what, screw it, send it to me anyway, people owe me favors. Might get a freebie.

Hey I created an invite only user group awhile ago for situations like this. Close doors so the public cant see. If you want to jump in there let me know. Dont say any more about it here, I dont want to get other people caught in the fire, so to speak.

TJ I have free long distance. I could connect my phone so you can speak and hear. You can talk through skype onto the phone. Easy hook up. Plus I can record the convo.

Im batman :D

I feel i need to say this.
Having lived with a bunch of mentally slow and brilliant people i have seen many things go down, in the world of scamming.
(many years i lived in a very underprivileged part of town and lived with lots of people)
A common trick to get crap for free without paper trails.

That will keep you safe from any one knowing your true identity.

This gets you stuff for free without being flagged or looking suspicious.

This will allow you not to be ip traced to any address.

This allows you to have voice to you mark but still nothing to tie you to them. just because you sound like them does not make it a crime.

Now if he has done this he has bested you.

I advise anyone reading this to never do it. I have seen this done and heard some very close calls.
The system is flawed and can be abused best to get money first then open and close a PP dispute ticket so he cant open another one then send package, the only way i will work with PP.
Sorry if this detailed info upsets some members but remember you could be going and hurting an innocent person caught up in a very bad scheme, and making someone mad at their son who has no idea whats going on.
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Nice tutorial on how to rip people off. Man you're dumb sometimes.

do you realize that you could be making an innocent person suffer?
Something like this should have been kept to vets or in pms.
Even unregistered users could read and be casuing havoc on somone lives.
This method has been used time and time again and is listed in many "banned" hand books.
This was meant to show you how someone could very quickly could be scammed and then left you to tear that victim even harder, if any one on this forums wants to try this have fun in jail, karma will land you there.
We all know how we can be easily scammed, but posting that shit is not helping. Any impressionable mind can learn from that.
do you realize that you could be making an innocent person suffer?
Something like this should have been kept to vets or in pms.
Even unregistered users could read and be casuing havoc on somone lives.
This method has been used time and time again and is listed in many "banned" hand books.
This was meant to show you how someone could very quickly could be scammed and then left you to tear that victim even harder, if any one on this forums wants to try this have fun in jail, karma will land you there.

You Failed. Badly.

It's like the chicken fucker on South Park. He fucked chickens just so the idiot cop could learn how to read.

Do you rape chickens too? Or maybe invite a few kids in your windowless van for some sleeping pills just to teach a mother how to care for rashes?

EDIT: TJ whats a meatwad? New recipe you want to share in your cooking thread? :crackup:
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IF their mind is that impressionable they should not be on the internet and their parents should be teaching them.
If an individual does not know right or wrong or reads something on the internet and does it, its the informants fault the internet is full of bad ideas and horrible tails but at the end of the day nothing someone says will stop you from doing it.
I just hope any member not directly involved with this will not act on all this information and leave it to the seller (or any one he personally asks) and the authority's.
Way too much info was posted, for public eyes. i was almost surprised no one posted his ssn.

The difference is this is not new info to the internet a basic google search will get you this heck even google how to crack a safe while you rob a place has worked. you dont have to do it to tell someone its bad. so no i do not do anything to chicken besides eating them.

The victim is the person info you stole btw.
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IF their mind is that impressionable they should not be on the internet and their parents should be teaching them.
If an individual does not know right or wrong or reads something on the internet and does it, its the informants fault the internet is full of bad ideas and horrible tails but at the end of the day nothing someone says will stop you from doing it.
I just hope any member not directly involved with this will not act on all this information and leave it to the seller (or any one he personally asks) and the authority's.
Way too much info was posted, for public eyes. i was almost surprised no one posted his ssn.

If my aunt had balls, she would be my uncle.

I reported your post. If its not gone I'll neg rep you for the rest of your time here. Stop being a moron.
IF their mind is that impressionable they should not be on the internet and their parents should be teaching them.
If an individual does not know right or wrong or reads something on the internet and does it, its the informants fault the internet is full of bad ideas and horrible tails but at the end of the day nothing someone says will stop you from doing it.
I just hope any member not directly involved with this will not act on all this information and leave it to the seller (or any one he personally asks) and the authority's.
Way too much info was posted, for public eyes. i was almost surprised no one posted his ssn.

The difference is this is not new info to the internet a basic google search will get you this heck even google how to crack a safe while you rob a place has worked. you dont have to do it to tell someone its bad. so no i do not do anything to chicken besides eating them.

The victim is the person info you stole btw.

This kids parents obviously are the ones that don't know or don't care. I don't think information pieced here and there from places the kid already had posted to be any harm. No one is going to take a trip and no one is going to call. The weirdos on here just like to bark a lot.
Phoenix will be the one to take care of it and thanks to the help of the others, he knows how to do it legally

EDIT: Forgive me if I'm being rude. I'll get some sleep
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What about reading the posted information before making comments?
This guy is 19 - NINETEEN YEARS OLD.
Can it be said any more clearly? He is not a minor and he is fully responsible for all his actions. Even if he was a minor, this would be the time for a great big wakeup call to guide him to the right path in life and realise you can't screw over people, play smartass and get away with it.

Kiyoukan, you are defending a guy who STOLE MONEY from a very kind man who also happens to be disabled, and you call the young guy the victim because some information which can be found with a few search engines and looking at his profiles is posted on a forum?

How can you call someone who steals and the laughs at everyone else an innocent person? We have all the info on this guy and even posts made on facebook about the laser.
With my post being removed (as i will take it down myself) all pics and any contact info to the person accused should be removed as well, I know some people were trying to help by posting this but details like this should have never been put this out their.
I just hope for your sake the person that ripped him off is not smart enough to have done this and you do have his correct info or you are all making a grave mistake.
People have been drivin to suicide and murder over harassment even if the info was removed its has been saved copyed to be seen forever, things like this can make people lives hell.
I personally knew someone who had a picture of them put on the internet and was so ashamed and could not move on she decided to OD and end her life.
You put enough info to practically stalk this users to his door step.

WHOO there i am not defending him but if he did use someone an innocent person info i am defending them not the scammer.
Identity fraud. there can be more than 1 victim in this situation.
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i sent Betty biddar a private message on facebook and awaiting reply, i really do hope that this Bas***d gets nailed...

stuart :)
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^ i hope to god there is no Identity fraud going on here or stuff like this is about to make things a lot worse.
