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Review of the new 15W LPM from LPS....

Well i'm not a tech guy, so i can't discuss with Jerry for more details. and it doesn't matter LPS make it or source from other manufactures, LPS presents the LPM to the market. All suggestions will be heard and will be considered for the next generation. so thank you all.

Below are my final words on this LPM.


1. the coating may have some slight smoke when you point the strong laser beam on it, but it doesn't affect the usage.
2. there is no problem to measure the strongest handle laser pointer, which is 7w you can get from the market. it has the ability to measure 15w but for most of our customer, even 7w is enough. so the LPM can meet almost all your need.
3. Don't worry about the accuracy. the LPM is calibrated seriously.

To Jerry/ laserbee

Do NOT mislead people to believe your LPM is a professional one. No matter how many works you have done on your LPM, amateur is amateur, it's not professional.

Here is what you said:

"We don't claim to sell professional grade commercial LPMs and we
don't compete with true professional LPM ciompanies like OPHIR...
NewPort or Coherent."



4 years pass, if your LPM become a professional one, don't forget to update us. If not, your LPM is a amateur one too.

A amateur maker criticize another amateur LPM is funny.

Finally, I want to quote words from Seoul_lasers:

"I just wish people on our forum could get along.
When 2 members whom have contributed so much to our forum start a
bickering contest, it serves no ones purpose and drags down the atmosphere of the forum. "


I'm a new member of this forums and noticed this is how you communicate with others.

Good luck to all of you.

Often amateur usage LPM or not, here's my grading:

If you consider Coherent or other well known top of the line units grade A, other professional laser power meters grade B, Laserbee LPM's grade C+, from what I've seen of your unit, I'd call yours a F minus.
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I have ordered one of these but it's been showing processing for over a week. I guess they have sold to many and I have to keep waiting.
It seems that there were only 3 units built and for sale
and they are all sold.


If you only want to measure 450nm Lasers and
under 4Watts then that LPM will be OK.
If you want to measure Lasers of other Wavelengths
or higher powers... Then there are better LPM solutions...

Well i'm not a tech guy, so i can't discuss with Jerry for more details. and it doesn't matter LPS make it or source from other manufactures, LPS presents the LPM to the market. All suggestions will be heard and will be considered for the next generation. so thank you all.

Below are my final words on this LPM.


1. the coating may have some slight smoke when you point the strong laser beam on it, but it doesn't affect the usage.
2. there is no problem to measure the strongest handle laser pointer, which is 7w you can get from the market. it has the ability to measure 15w but for most of our customer, even 7w is enough. so the LPM can meet almost all your need.
3. Don't worry about the accuracy. the LPM is calibrated seriously.

To Jerry/ laserbee

Do NOT mislead people to believe your LPM is a professional one. No matter how many works you have done on your LPM, amateur is amateur, it's not professional.

Here is what you said:

"We don't claim to sell professional grade commercial LPMs and we
don't compete with true professional LPM ciompanies like OPHIR...
NewPort or Coherent."



4 years pass, if your LPM become a professional one, don't forget to update us. If not, your LPM is a amateur one too.

A amateur maker criticize another amateur LPM is funny.

Finally, I want to quote words from Seoul_lasers:

"I just wish people on our forum could get along.
When 2 members whom have contributed so much to our forum start a
bickering contest, it serves no ones purpose and drags down the atmosphere of the forum. "


I'm a new member of this forums and noticed this is how you communicate with others.

Good luck to all of you.
I will again respond to your Post in order of what you posted.

1) it seems that you are unwilling to admit that you yourself
build these LPMs. A non Tech Guy....

2) [Facts:]
a) I agree... a Burnt sensor coating can still be used.. but
the reading will NO LONGER be accurate.

b) Pure BS.... It can not handle 4 Watts. what makes you
think it can handle MORE power.... Typical Chinese seller
exageration of the facts to make a sale to the unwitting... IMO

c) Oh Yeah... we are going to believe a Non Tech guy that
built this LPM with Exaggerated Claims.....
We are still waiting for you to show us that recently calibrated
NIST Traceable OPHIR LPM you keep referring to.... or is that
more BS...

3) [to Jerry/laserbee]
In your own post above you youself prove that we don't
mislead anyone that we sell Professional LPMs....
We have never said that our LaserBee LPM products were
Professional... You seem to like to make up Facts as you
Even on our Website we state that our LaserBee LPM
products are Hobbyists Laser Power Meters.

We are far from Amateurs... My company has been in the
electronics R&D field for over 30 years... We research any
new project including our LaserBee LPM products to make
sure we understand the technology of the project.

We spent the time any money to develop and field test our
LaserBee LPM products BEFORE we put them on the market
as any Professional Business would do.
We also invested a lot of money in Test Equipment to be able
to calibrate our LaserBee LPM products properly and to be
able to do proper Max Power tests. That includes buying
a brand new NIST traceable Coherent FieldMax II LPM.

Show us your

Our business is Professional.... Our LaserBee LPM products
are for Hobbyists... We have always stated that.
Inventing facts makes you look amateur.

4 years pass, if your LPM become a professional one, don't forget to update us. If not, your LPM is a amateur one too.
A amateur maker criticize another amateur LPM is funny.
Being a Smart A$$ will not make your LPM any better.
Read above about my thought on your Amateur remarks.
It any LPM offered on LPF is Amateur.... it is yours...

There is a large gap between my knowledge of the LPM
technology and yours... That can be seen by the blatant
over exaggerated claims you continue to make about
this 15W LPM after the actual facts are shown to you
by at least 2 knowledgeable members...

BTW your links make no sense.... they do not support
your innuendos...

I suggest that if you want to sell that LPM that you:

a) Test it properly and state the True output Power
b) Do some Tech research and find a Broadband Coating
c) Reduce the price to a point that is equal to the build
d) STOP selling it until you have fixed the issue in the

And don't forget... We are still waiting for you to show
us that recently calibrated NIST Traceable OPHIR LPM
you keep referring to that you claim was used to calibrate
that 15W LPM....

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Hello Jerry,

thank you for your advise, as i said, all suggestions, not only you, but also others, all suggestions will be considered and applied at the next generation. don't forget the LPM was released to the market as a sample at this moment. But, remember, it's well tested and calibrated. we don't present a toy.

and you are wrong. LPS doesn't make LPM, even most of our items are not made by us. you can't imagine how widely and well we work with scale laser manufactures / teams. also, you can't imagine how experienced the manufacture is of the pocket LPM.

I think you are so serious or critical on this LPM, the only reason is you have seen the potential of it. I'm sure this product will be a real threat to the laserbee.

I'm not going to provide more details here, but I will upload videos on our site. I can't believe Jerry/laserbee rumor the pocket LPM can't handle 4w.

the journey will be continued, and customer will have their own judgment.
Juicy thread. First of all I can definitely say Jerry's LPMs are not amateur, the correct word would be hobbyist (as Jerry pointed out already) LPMs. Saying they're amateur makes the person saying it sound like they're referring to a maker or individual, not a company, like J.Bauer Electronics. After seeing Jerry's LPM in hand it's quite clear there's years of experience put into their construction, so you can tell he knows what he's talking about.

But on the other hand I think we're being a bit too harsh on our friend Tommy. All that it looks like is he released a "sample" batch (might be referring to prototypes) and it crapped out. Since he had a lower price on it and only sold 3, this is a good opportunity for him to learn from and fix his design. The right thing for him to do at this point would be to either refund the customers and abort, or fix the design and send out upgraded ones to the buyers. If he declines that, then let the harsh community of LPF show it's rage. :eg:

Who the hell knows where he got the 15W figure from if the sensor smokes at 4W, maybe it was theoretically supposed to be able to handle 15W but forgot to account for something.
thank you ElectricPlasma, that is a rationally voice.

i apologize for the misusing on amateur, it's not accurate. but we don't call it professional, right? I respect jerry's experience and his company but we don't have only 1 standard, jerry's standard, is not the LPM standard.

I have astralist LPM, but I will not compare with it. Because I totally understand each LPM has it's own technic and design. you just take which one you want.

Don't forget we list astralist LPM on our site, and we was trying to list laserbee too. the goal of LPS, is to present interesting laser relative items to the public. I don't see they will be competitors, as customer knows what they want.

I will take all the suggestions and make an improvement. If jerry's LPM is not functional over 4w, pls send me a picture or video privately. I didn't see any evidence on that.
thank you ElectricPlasma, that is a rationally voice.

i apologize for the misusing on amateur, it's not accurate. but we don't call it professional, right? I respect jerry's experience and his company but we don't have only 1 standard, jerry's standard, is not the LPM standard.

I have astralist LPM, but I will not compare with it. Because I totally understand each LPM has it's own technic and design. you just take which one you want.

Don't forget we list astralist LPM on our site, and we was trying to list laserbee too. the goal of LPS, is to present interesting laser relative items to the public. I don't see they will be competitors, as customer knows what they want.

I will take all the suggestions and make an improvement. If jerry's LPM is not functional over 4w, pls send me a picture or video privately. I didn't see any evidence on that.

the big problem from what i have seen so far is the sensor coating.you keep saying its ok if its smoking and will still work.
don't you understand that if you burn the coating then is no reason for a coated senson at the first place? every lpm is calibrated with the right coating it has(or if its not having any)so if you burn it or simply remove it yes your lpm will still read power but the readings will be way off
-166 from me... Call me a cynic but Jerry went out of his way to purchase one of these units and checked the calibration with a NIST traceable LPM and we are to believe this out of calibration garbage is better? I mean really? In what world is a way out of calibration, poorly designed and built unit better? I will happily keep my Hyperion LPM from astralist. At least I can trust it's readings within a reasonable margin and know it is of good quality and won't be damage by anything I throw at it.

Hopefully some serious improvements are made to this..
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Hi C,
Im sure if he tweaks the errors in the LPM in the next generation of mini's it would be great. Hey there was only three and they were bough up in a heart beat. So we found out a lot of things from this thread valuable info from everyone one here. This should help Tommy evaluate issues brought up on the mini. I'm sure he would be interested in positive feed back.

Hello Jerry,

thank you for your advise, as i said, all suggestions, not only you, but also others, all suggestions will be considered and applied at the next generation. don't forget the LPM was released to the market as a sample at this moment. But, remember, it's well tested and calibrated. we don't present a toy.

and you are wrong. LPS doesn't make LPM, even most of our items are not made by us. you can't imagine how widely and well we work with scale laser manufactures / teams. also, you can't imagine how experienced the manufacture is of the pocket LPM.

I think you are so serious or critical on this LPM, the only reason is you have seen the potential of it. I'm sure this product will be a real threat to the laserbee.

I'm not going to provide more details here, but I will upload videos on our site. I can't believe Jerry/laserbee rumor the pocket LPM can't handle 4w.

the journey will be continued, and customer will have their own judgment.

thank you ElectricPlasma, that is a rationally voice.

i apologize for the misusing on amateur, it's not accurate. but we don't call it professional, right? I respect jerry's experience and his company but we don't have only 1 standard, jerry's standard, is not the LPM standard.

I have astralist LPM, but I will not compare with it. Because I totally understand each LPM has it's own technic and design. you just take which one you want.

Don't forget we list astralist LPM on our site, and we was trying to list laserbee too. the goal of LPS, is to present interesting laser relative items to the public. I don't see they will be competitors, as customer knows what they want.

I will take all the suggestions and make an improvement. If jerry's LPM is not functional over 4w, pls send me a picture or video privately. I didn't see any evidence on that.

Again Tommy... I will respond to your Posts in order...

I'm glad that you see that your LPM is not ready for
the Market and that it needs improvements.

1) If you wanted customers with real functioning money
to by your untested LPM to Field Test them then YOU
should have supplied them for Free use.

2) At this point in time... Yes... your LPM with exaggerated
claims is just a Toy...

3) Why didn't you admit that the LPM was manufactured
by someone else right away. What was the purpose of hiding
that ??

4) Yes I can imagine.. and can see by the Amateurish build
quality of your LPM in my hands that the Manufacturer of
this LPM has never built a quality anything. It looks like it
was built by a non tech DIY guy.

5) There is no potential at this point. Fix your problems
and STOP exaggerating your claims....

6) You must be dreaming.... This 15W LPM that you are
trying to sell to LPF members with exaggerated claims...
as it is... has absolutely no chance in he!! of threatening
even 1 cent of our sales. We do not exaggerate our Power
Claims... As a mater of Fact are Claims are below the
damage threashold of our Broadband Sensor Coatings..

7) If you had the proper test equipment as we and
other members of LPF have... then you also would be
able to test your exaggerated 15W LPM properly and
would also see the 4 Watt damage results.
I would suggest you get rid of your main testing
device.... A lighter will not do.........

8) The Power standard is not mine... It is NIST, Coherent
and Newport LPM Standards.....

9) I kept this under wraps... but since you mentioned
it I will respond.
Tommy approached us before the Astralist and the
the 15E LPM were on his site. We decided to to have
our LaserBee products on his site brcause he wanted
us to do all the Drop Shipping financing and give him
a percentage of sales. We found that it would not be
to our best interest to have our products on Tommy's
site at a much higher price. (see astalist's LPM price
compared to $75.00 here) We respectfully declined
his offer since we already have a website.

We do have a distributor in Germany who makes quantity
orders at a discount that he pays for and sells on his
own Website.

I now see that our decision was correct... It seems
clear to me that you only wanted respected LPMs like
ours and Astralist's on your siter to bolster the sales
of your flawed 15W LPM.

10) You only had 3 units for sale and I bought one
and Lifetime17 bought one.
If you would read the Review you will see that we
tested your 15W LPM the same way we test our
LaserBee LPMs coatings...and your Damage Threshold
was ~4Watts. If it was one of our Sensor we would
claim a Max Power of ~3 Watts to give us a buffer
in case a customer put a slightly higher power Laser
beam on the sensor and it would not damage the
sensor. This avoids a customer from damaging the
coating and needing Re-Coating and re-calibration.

Lifetime17 also had smoking of his 15W LPM sensor
with only 900mw at 405nm...
I don't see you questioning that fact.
If I take the time to do more testing on this 15W LPM
it will not be in private it will be posts on LPF for all
members to see....

I can see that you do not accept responsibility of
this defective over exaggerated claimed 15W LPM.

All I see is a non professional seller trying to pawn
off a semi functioning product as the best thing since
sliced bread... The problem is your bread is slightly

Attacking our LaserBee LPM products does not make
your LPM Product any better... and responding with
Smart A$$ remarks does not help your situation.

You wanted a Review.....
Any reasonable seller of a new product would have
responded to the review with somrthing like.....
We were not aware.... We will quickly find a solution
to the deficiencies and correct them... Thank you.

But instead you argued and attacked the review...
and still Claim 15W Max Power...
I've lost all respect for you and your company by
your Hard Headed reponses.....

If this is how you respond to your customer's
complaints by arguing with them that you are
right... then good luck with that...:whistle:

I've already told you what to do if you want to
sell that product...

Unfortunately... I'm done wasting my $$ and time
with you and your products....

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Just wanted to thank Lasersbee and Lifetime for their time and their reviews of this product. You didn't have to but you took the chance. Saved a lot of members their money, just wanted to say :thanks: gentleman! :)
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Sounds like I jumped in to early and ordered one. Not a real problem. I have wasted so much money on junk in this hobby already. I will just add it to the pile if it ever turns up.
Hi BM,
When we seen the first sales thread come up for the mini, the fist thing in response was wow look how small this device is. So like anyone else we stuck while the iron was still hot.
The outcome from all this testing reviewed revealed some flaws in the manufacturing end. Well the issues question could be fixed and then we can have a dependable mini LPM. The LPF members deserve that and everyone had a chance to chime in with their opinions fair enough. I have a positive feeling that Tommy will look into all the issues stated here and eventually come thru with a newer version of this mini in a compact package. Like i said three were snatched up in a heart beat meaning there is a great market for this unit. All we can do now is wait and see if if LPS will upgrade the current mini LPM and hope they will . I am trying to keep my replies on the positive side always hoping for a better way and out come.
It was my pleasure to sacrifice my out of pocket expenses to see the actual unit in real time usage. Here at LPF we all look out for one another and thats priceless . Thank you Jerry for all the leg work you put into this we all appreciate it. Sure glad i purchased your LAST 7W Laserbee LPM and never regretted it from the start. Still kicking A$$ ..

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I couldn't agree more Rich, if Tommy steps up and ungrades a few things he could have a real winner in his pocket (pun intended). Still I wanted to thanks you guy for doing the work. :thanks: and :gj:
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Hi BM.
Well if Tommy goes that route that would be a winner for all of us. ( We will leave the pocket pun out for now LOL!! ) Bad enough we had a misunderstanding about Sweet pants (Sweatpants)....

I hope he does go that route. Would be great to have a little pocket LPM that could safely measure up to 15 watts.

As far as the "sweatpants" goes, (read the posts), I'm going to leave that to people with a greater mind than mine. (yep, your right I'm chickening out). :crackup: lol :)
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